Canada now investigates ‘climate denial’ | Toronto Sun

It’s like something out of George Orwell’s 1984. Canada’s Competition Bureau, an arm’s length agency funded by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government to the tune of almost $50 million annually, investigated three organizations accused of denying mainstream climate science for over a year, following a complaint from an environmental group.

The complaint?

It accused three groups, Friends of Science, the International Climate Science Coalition, and the Heartland Institute of making false and misleading claims about climate change, including that the sun is the main driver of climate change, not carbon dioxide, and that carbon dioxide is not a pollutant.

CO2 is air to a plant, what’s not to like?

Opinion colunnist Lorrie Goldstein asks a very simple question…

If we’re going to use agencies of the federal government to investigate and even prosecute “climate deniers”, for making “false and misleading claims” then let’s damn well do the same for “climate alarmists”, who do the same thing all the time. (emphasis added)

I read and hear politicians making “false and misleading claims” about climate change almost daily, particularly with regard to what federal and provincial carbon pricing schemes will actually accomplish, as opposed to what our governments are claiming they will accomplish.

But the way to decide these issues is through public debate, not running to an agency of the federal government to shut up people we disagree with, particularly a government that itself makes false and misleading claims about man-made climate change all the time.

Let’s see how public debate works these days in the United States. To allow Ben Shapiro to speak at Berkeley is a big deal?  And the Berkeley elite snowflakes are being offered counseling. Goodness gracious, they should told to sit down, shut up and grow up.

How in the world can there be any public debate, when the violent mob Antifa barely gets any press. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic.

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1 Response to

  1. Mark says:

    Canada recently made it a crime to “misgender” somebody. They don’t have a First Amendment. This is why it’s important.

    This is also the logical conclusion of leftist politics, where they believe they are the sole possessors of the truth. They’ve gotten to the point where they can come up with an excuse to squelch every idea that disagrees with their orthodoxy. They’re right. Everyone else is wrong. Uttering what disagrees with them is misleading and dangerous, and will cause society to hurt itself, and therefor must be stopped. Funny. I remember when it was people on the Left who tried to stop the Right from banning certain kinds of music, and books 30 years ago. Bans were being promoted to protect the morality of kids, and to stop serial killers. Now the Left is basically doing the same thing, only now they openly tout that they think most everyone is so stupid that if they hear false information, they’ll act on it without question, harming themselves, and everyone else. They base it all on a “climate” argument, that certain ideas being expressed will make it seem acceptable to oppress certain minorities (ie. such speech is “violent”), and that debating science will make it seem acceptable to engage in counter-productive activities that harm each other and our planet.

    Evan Sayet had it right back in ’07, that the modern Left believes only in indiscriminate thought (though indiscriminateness of thought does not lead to indiscriminate policy). Now they are trying to ban discriminating thought, in all forms, not just that which discriminates on superficial features, like skin color, but including that which uses reason, logic, and powerful outlooks. Scientists in Canada have talked about how they fear that discussing biological differences between males and females will be banned, and that even mentioning that there are two biological genders, male and female, will be banned by their new law. They’re trying it here now, wherever they can.

    Jordan Peterson, a Canadian psychologist, recently has gotten some notoriety because of this. He said that it’s all motivated by a kind of “anti-philosophy” which has found a haven in universities for the past several decades called postmodernism, which denies any notion of objective truth, and denies the validity of any belief system other than its own (that there is no objective truth, and that everything is about power).

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