Progressive Oregon blows its’ Obamacare launch

Amateur hour isn’t reserved just for Oregon health exchange represents biggest woe – New York News.

With all the problems facing the rollout of President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul, nowhere is the situation worse or more surprising than in Oregon, a progressive state that has enthusiastically embraced the federal law but has so far failed to enroll a single person in coverage through the state’s insurance exchange.

Despite grand ambitions, an early start, millions of dollars from the federal government and a tech-savvy population, Oregon’s online enrollment system still isn’t ready more than a month after it was supposed to go live. The state has resorted to hiring or reassigning 400 people to process insurance applications by hand. (emphasis added)

What is it with these government DIY’rs. The main issues I see here are:

1. Reinventing the wheel. The Progressives that wanted to do this so badly have no idea what their doing. What they do know is they HATE INSURANCE COMPANIES and the already existing infrastructure so they had to do it themselves…  BETTER. So they turned their arrogant Progressive backs on the work that had already been done. Inquiring minds want to know, “How is that working out for you?”. Actually that’s what is called a rhetorical question.

2. Interfacing with legacy computer systems is probably not an easy task

Yet, these idiots had 3 years to accomplish this task. Mission Failed. End of story.

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