Benghazi and anti islam move: Indefensible

Nothing to see here, move along. Testimony gives more evidence administration’s Benghazi claims were ‘indefensible,’ rep says | Fox News.

“It’s indefensible what was said back on September 11, 12, and 13 in 2012, and what the facts really were,” King said. Two other members of the intelligence committee involved in the briefings echoed King’s assessment

This was 14 months ago. Of course, “what difference does it make?”

Fox News has also obtained a new letter that will be sent to all members of the Senate Tuesday by Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas. In the “Dear Colleague” letter, Cruz calls on his fellow lawmakers to join the 24 senators who already support an independent commission on Benghazi – Senate Resolution 225. Attached to the Cruz letter is a statement from the family of Sean Smith, who was killed in the attack. Smith’s mother Pat states that she continues to be denied answers by the State Department because she is not considered “immediate family.”

And his uncle, Michael Ingemire, writes passionately that history will judge the Congress a failure unless it acts. “A failure to establish an atmosphere of truth and accountability about Benghazi sends a simple and directly dangerous message to countries that do not have America’s best interests at heart. The failure of Benghazi tells our enemies you can kill American citizens and civil servants and not face any consequences.”

Oil and water: truth and the Obama administration. The MSM needs to do their job but they really need to stop being Obama lapdogs. Perhaps their eyes are open but they’re still on his lap.

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