So much Boulder/progressive BS – | Can Colorado’s candidates for governor promise 100 percent renewable energy?

In a recent 9NEWS gathering with voters, both candidates got questions about this. To some voters, the idea sounded a little grandiose.

Asked whether he means that all our cars and airplanes are going to run off of electricity, Polis explained that this goal is only about the power supply for our electric grid.

“The power for your home, not airplanes, not cars,” Polis said. “The power for your home will be 100 percent renewable by 2040.”

That timeline is the same goal that Johnston is promoting—and there’s a glaring caveat that needs to be made clear: the next governor won’t be governor anymore in the year 2040.

If the next governor wins a second term, they’d be termed out of office in early 2027. That’s 13 years before the promised all-renewable year.

If it sounds a little pie-in-the sky to you, you have reason to feel that way. (emphasis added)

One thing it certainly sounds like to me is EXPENSIVE. The poor and middle class will be purchasing energy through

Where exactly are we going to charge our cars? Government provided free charging stations?


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Inquiring minds want to know what is the women’s name that made the false allegations? Victor Mitchell believes a “deep state” exists in Colorado and his personal experience is a contributing factor

The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office and Human Services Department investigated the woman’s suspicions and determined within days that “no elements of the crime could be established,” according to an official sheriff’s report obtained in April by The Denver Post through a public records request.

The partially redacted 34-page file does not contain any indication that the woman claimed to have actually seen unlawful behavior. Investigators interviewed numerous people close to the situation before reaching their conclusion.

In April, Mitchell told The Post he didn’t even know the investigative report still existed. “You’re looking at a report that I’ve never seen,” he said.


The Post repeatedly attempted to contact the woman, who no longer lives in Colorado, but she did not respond.

So what his her name? She made a false accusation, best to warn others.

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Campus administrators better figure out who writes their checks and stop listening to a loud mouthed, entitled minority – FIRE Survey: Students Want Due Process for Accused – Minding The Campus

First, the top-line figures: By a more than 4-to-1 margin, students believe that a college system must ensure that the accused student is presumed innocent. Seven in ten believe that the accused student should have the right to a lawyer who can speak in the hearing. (Most colleges deny this right.)

Nearly nine in ten favor the accused student getting written notice; three in four say the accused student should have the right to challenge panelists for bias. Most students believe that accused students should have the right to look at all evidence, and only 27 percent said they favored the “single investigator” model—in which a single person serves as judge, jury, investigator, and prosecutor. The model is ripe for abuse; its problems are best demonstrated by the infamous sexual assault case at Brandeis.

By an overwhelming margin (84-16), students consider the purpose of campus disciplinary tribunals to be punitive, not educational. They’re right, of course. But the argument that these tribunals—which in the Title IX context can carry life-long, and life-altering, consequences for a student found guilty—are solely “educational” is often used by schools as an excuse for unfair procedures.

This is what happens when the elite are running the asylum. I say had it over to someone with common sense. Drain the educational swamp. Starting today couldn’t be soon enough but will have to do.

Posted in Title IX | 1 Comment

Didn’t budge with Democrats, so Boulder remains unhappy – Satisfaction With U.S. Direction Reaches 12-Year High

Americans’ satisfaction with the way things are going in the country has reached a 12-year high of 38%, one point above last month’s satisfaction rate.

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Indonesia and ThorCon continue working towards thorium reactor |

A bit too much marketing/speculation for my taste, but exciting nonetheless – Indonesia and ThorCon continue working towards thorium reactor |

ThorCon is a liquid-fuel fission power plant, under development in the US, to be built in a far-east shipyard, then floated to Indonesia, with testing starting in 2021. It generates emission-free electric power, cheaper even than from a coal-fired plant. Its full-time electric power will improve developing nations’ economies and lifestyles, while also dissuading them from burning fossil fuels which emit CO2.

It’s unclear to me why Boulder hasn’t placed an order.

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The Insanely Eventful Life of Grateful Dead Lyricist John Perry Barlow –

If you’d encountered Barlow as a child—by his account, he was raised primarily “by drunken cowboys and farm animals” on his parents’ ranch in Wyoming—you wouldn’t have guessed there were any awesome mutant genes at work. Young Barlow finished his freshman year of public high school with a straight-F average. “A root vegetable could have done better,” he writes. “But I didn’t give a fuck.” As he explains it, “I was in such a spiteful little mood back then that I was intentionally giving the wrong answers to questions both in the classroom and on tests.” Barlow joined other disaffected teens to form a laughably minor-league motorcycle gang. (They had met in the Boy Scouts, they rode tiny Hondas, and their idea of terrorizing the straights was blowing up Coca-Cola vending machines.)

Barlow’s father, state Sen. Norman Barlow, eventually decided it would be politically expedient to send his wayward son away to boarding school. Barlow finished his secondary education at the Fountain Valley School in Colorado Springs, which he says “specialized in admitting bright miscreants.”

It was at Fountain Valley that Barlow’s uncanny gravitation toward cultural singularities began to manifest itself. He quickly befriended the musically inclined dyslexic kid who roomed across the hall—Bob Weir, who would become a founding member of the Grateful Dead.

Barlow did well enough in his classes to earn admission to all six of the colleges he applied to, including Yale and Columbia. He opted for Wesleyan, which at the time was an all-male college. For Barlow, this meant frequent motorcycle trips to New England’s all-female colleges. “I always tended to keep some kind of relationship going with a student at Sarah Lawrence,” he writes, “so I could attend Joseph Campbell’s lecture every Monday morning.” A lapsed Mormon, Barlow missed religious faith; Campbell’s studies of comparative religion and mythology attracted him.

So did LSD. At a Vassar mixer, Barlow learned about a communal group in Millbrook, New York, headed by the psychedelic guru Timothy Leary and funded by Leary disciples who happened to be heirs to the Mellon fortune. Barlow visited Millbrook and thought it interesting, though he was put off by Leary himself. After some fast and furious research, he decided to take his first LSD dose back at Wesleyan. “From then on,” he writes, “I was permanently rewired.”

Most likely not a life for most, but no doubt a life well lived.


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Fixing BoCo Roads – BoCo, Phone Domino’s

Without Government, Who Will Build the Roads? Domino’s Pizza, Apparently

While the new program officially launched yesterday, “Paving for Pizza” has already fixed over 50 potholes in California, Texas, and Delaware. The campaign promises to give local municipalities the money needed to fix their crumbling infrastructure should they be selected by the company. Those wanting to cash in on this opportunity need only go online to Domino’s website and nominate their own neighborhood roads for consideration.

Posted in Boulder county is stoopid | Leave a comment

Led Zepplin, 8 year old drummer….


『Hit Like A Girl Contest 2018』Good Times Bad Times – LED ZEPPELIN / Cover by Yoyoka , 8 year old drummer from よよか on Vimeo.

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Where is my shocked face when I need it?

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Di Niro and Get More Trump!

Although Steve Hayward ties up a number of loose ends, which are all entertaining, he finishes with comments on Trumps biggest vote-getter, Robert Di Niro – Loose Ends (39) | Power Line

As you’ve probably heard by now, last night at the Tony Awards, Robert DeNiro unloaded with the f-bomb on Trump—not once, but twice. For emphasis, one supposes. In case we didn’t get it that he hates Trump. The Hollywood audience responded with a standing ovation, thus contributing further to DeNiro’s effort to assure the re-election of Trump.

Why the intensity of Trump derangement among the Hollyweird set? I have a simple theory: look at how many Hollywood grandees the #MeToo movement has taken down (with more sure to come)—a movement whose intended target is Trump. But to quote what the great Captain Kirk says to Khan in the best of all the Star Trek movies, “Like a bad marksman you keep missing the target!”

P.S. De Niro better hope he doesn’t have any unfinished #MeToo business of his own.

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Get More Trump again

I’m getting tired of all this winning.

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He should have been benched immediately. This is a life lesson moment and it appears the coach missed the opportunity. – Son of Roger Clemens taunts opposing bench after big home run | Fox News

The son of Major League Baseball fireballer Roger Clemens may have broken the unwritten rules of baseball with his home-run celebration while playing for the University of Texas.

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This ladies and gentlemen, is how you get more Trump.


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Inquiring minds want to know….

Stop smoking weed?

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If you’re in desperate need of a 2 year old, here’s your chance…


2 year old for sale

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Both hands clapping – Trump administration won’t defend Obamacare in key case | Power Line

The constitutionality of Obamacare is under challenge once again. Six years ago, the Supreme Court held that the federal government does not have the power to order people to buy health insurance, but does have the power to impose a tax on those without health insurance. The ruling saved Obamacare.

However, the tax bill Congress passed last year eliminates the tax penalty contained in Obamacare. Thus, Texas now argues that the individual mandate to buy health insurance lacks a constitutional basis.

I can only comment on experiences in Colorado. The implementation in Colorado is an object lesson in government inefficiency. If you want a tax credit, you have to apply for Medicaid. Maybe you get the correct determination, maybe you don’t. I have a client’s family with an income of $150,000 that was on Medicaid. For another household, I have a determination document in front of me that  in one paragraph it states that the family is on Medicaid and the next it states they don’t qualify due to income.

I had another recent experience where a lady made too much for Medicaid but supposedly didn’t qualify for a tax credit (and not because she made too much for a tax credit). She was also in the midst of treatment and apparently had no health insurance. Hours of my time to get it fixed.

It’s a Rube Goldberg machine. Some of it’s the law, other parts of it is bureaucratic inefficiency and some of it is due to inter-agency power struggles.

All that said, one thing is for sure, it’s pretty much destroyed my faith that the government should be running healthcare, with the caveat that Medicare seems to work fairly well. Oh, except that it’s going to run out of money in 2026!

Now my client base, with some exceptions, disagrees with me. Their faith in government surpasses anything that I can imagine.

What we have now is a mess, of that there is little doubt.



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How much does it cost to send your children to Syracuse University?

Free speech is dying at Syracuse University – “CAMPUS’ WAR ON FREE SPEECH CLAIMS 16 STUDENT VICTIMS: Have you ever attended, participated in, or, like millions of Americans, watched a “roast” on TV? Maybe even found it funny? Well, you loathsome degenerate, you had better stay far, far away from Syracuse University, which suspended 16 students for 1 to 2 years(!) for roasting their fraternity brothers – in private, and with zero complaints filed by the roast-ees – after someone posted out-of-context video on Facebook several weeks later.”



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Let’s not leave out Boulder – UCLA and the Atlantic think conservatives and populists have nothing to contribute to understanding America –

As Instapundit noted:


Posted in arrogance, clueless, Get more Trump, stoopid progressives | 1 Comment

Trump Derangement Syndrome in action: Obama Official Outraged Over Heartbreaking Pics of Trump Policy In Actio…Oh Wait, Wrong President

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