Campus administrators better figure out who writes their checks and stop listening to a loud mouthed, entitled minority – FIRE Survey: Students Want Due Process for Accused – Minding The Campus

First, the top-line figures: By a more than 4-to-1 margin, students believe that a college system must ensure that the accused student is presumed innocent. Seven in ten believe that the accused student should have the right to a lawyer who can speak in the hearing. (Most colleges deny this right.)

Nearly nine in ten favor the accused student getting written notice; three in four say the accused student should have the right to challenge panelists for bias. Most students believe that accused students should have the right to look at all evidence, and only 27 percent said they favored the “single investigator” model—in which a single person serves as judge, jury, investigator, and prosecutor. The model is ripe for abuse; its problems are best demonstrated by the infamous sexual assault case at Brandeis.

By an overwhelming margin (84-16), students consider the purpose of campus disciplinary tribunals to be punitive, not educational. They’re right, of course. But the argument that these tribunals—which in the Title IX context can carry life-long, and life-altering, consequences for a student found guilty—are solely “educational” is often used by schools as an excuse for unfair procedures.

This is what happens when the elite are running the asylum. I say had it over to someone with common sense. Drain the educational swamp. Starting today couldn’t be soon enough but will have to do.

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1 Response to

  1. Mark says:

    Well, the whole idea that universities should be prosecuting cases of sexual assault is ludicrous in the first place. Prior to the Obama Admin., these cases were adjudicated in court, where they belong. If universities presumed to prosecute assault and attempted murder cases on campus, I hope our society would stand up to them and say, “Come on! You’re nuts!” The same should apply here. They’re nuts.

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