Apparently so says a Berkeley professor – Does a Trump Administration mean lower CO2 emissions?

I suspect it will be negative—meaning that carbon-dioxide emissions will be lower under Trump than they would have been under Clinton. Trump appears to favor nuclear power and shale gas, and both reduce carbon emissions substantially, at least when compared to coal. If you are optimistic about solar and wind, then you can say that shale will not reduce emissions as much as solar and wind would have. I saw no similar support for these energy technologies from Clinton, who seemed to agree with the Obama approach: don’t oppose, but don’t reduce the impediments.

I’m not quite so optimistic that Trump will keep coal in the penalty box. Also, not being as alarmed regarding climate change as the Professor, it doesn’t bother me. That said, the future I see certainly includes a new generation of nuclear reactors.

h/t to Steven Hayward over at Powerline, not to mention he was the inaugural Visiting Scholar in Conservative Thought and Policy at the University of Colorado.

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Recount – Where Are The Recounts In New Hampshire, Colorado And Nevada (and Minnesota)?

Election integrity and recounts

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While 12,000 Illinoisans were removed from the Prioritization for Urgency of Need for Services list since May 2013, just 29 percent of those cases were closed because the Medicaid recipients had received all the services they needed. The rest were closed due to death, moving, withdrawal of requests, or other reasons. 

And, thanks to poor policy choices by the state, this waiting list nightmare may only be a sign of things to come.

The state’s most recent enrollment reports show more than 650,000 able-bodied adults have enrolled in Medicaid since the Obamacare expansion, and this enrollment shows no sign of slowing down. This is nearly twice as many adults as the state said would ever enroll and more than the state said would ever even be eligible.

Expansion costs are also significantly over projections. Despite promises from the administration of former Gov. Pat Quinn that total expansion costs would “only” hit $2.7 billion in the first two years, costs actually came in at $4.7 billion – 70 percent higher than promised.

Near the end of Quinn’s term, Quinn administration officials also confirmed in a memo to the federal government that the state’s share of the costs would soar. Officials revised state costs up to $2 billion through 2020, more than three times as much as initially expected. And the day of reckoning for state taxpayers is almost here: Starting in January 2017, the state will be on the hook for 5 percent of the expansion costs.

Certainly Colorado’s fiscal condition is superior to Illinois’ but Medicaid expansion will bring financial stress and calls for new taxes – Medicaid expansion strains state budget. Of course, the politicians on the left side of the aisle will no doubt say Medicaid is not the source of the problem.

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Frank Luntz, "If you praise Fidel Castro, don't expect anyone to take your criticism of Donald Trump seriously."

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Oh my, HOW the tables have turned. Hillary comments on Donald Trump stating he might not accept the election results:

“Let’s be clear about what he is saying and what that means: He is denigrating, he is talking down our democracy and I for one am appalled that someone who is the nominee for one of our two major parties would take that position,” she said.

Look in the mirror and be appalled.

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Destination Hillary – Beaton: If you can’t stand the heat, then go back to the kitchen
Hillary aside, there’s been a lot of progress for women…

Women are three of the eight Supreme Court justices. They make up about half of law and medical school students and a majority of other graduate students. They have served as heads of state in Great Britain, Israel, India, France, Argentina, Brazil, Germany, Italy, the Philippines, China, Switzerland, Iceland, Austria and elsewhere.

Meanwhile, due to the risky nature of some of their trades (have you ever been on an oil rig or a fishing boat?) men continue to suffer on-the-job fatalities at a rate 14 times higher than women, and in general die about seven years younger than women. (Those facts don’t draw a lot of outrage, however.)

Stop the effing presses, let’s read that again. Men suffer on-the-job fatalities at 14x time higher (rate) than women and die SEVEN years younger. Wowza, don’t hear anyone complaining about that. However that explains why my life insurance costs more than my wife’s.

Oh and did you realize that women don’t vote as an homogeneous group?

So it was perplexing recently hear some women presume to speak for all women about the election results. Bear in mind that, whichever way a woman voted, only about one-fourth of other American women voted the same way. The other three-fourths voted the other way or didn’t vote at all.

Unfortunately, Hillary has joined the recount movement, for what purpose it isn’t clear.

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Piers Morgan:


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I’m pretty sure I can hear a pin drop if I’m waiting for the voices to speak up about Men’s rights and issues – Men to America — Thanks for nothing: Glenn Reynolds.

If we had a college gap that favored men as much as the existing one favors women, it would be treated as a national crisis. If our girls (instead of our boys) attended schools where teachers were overwhelmingly of the opposite sex, there’d be loud demands for government action. And if there were articles with titles such as The End of Women running in major national magazines, their tone would be alarmist, not smug.

Maybe it’s time for a Presidential Task Force on Men and Boys. Before things get worse.

Not holding my breath….


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Another reason to stop that evil home schooling – Home schooled teens helped Republicans win key Senate races.

Let’s outlaw home schooling in Boulder!


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News you need to learn, especially sissified college students in their sanitary safe spaces – There is no ‘hate speech’ exception

From a letter to the editor regarding students “walking out” of public school classrooms…

The confusion in your editorial begins with its headline, “Hate speech is not free speech.” Under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, there is no “hate speech” exception to America’s general rule of free speech.

Speech cannot be punished simply because someone thinks it embodies hatred unless it independently falls into some recognized exception such as threats, incitement of imminent violence, targeted harassment and so forth, If speech does fall into such an exception, it lacks protection whether or not it expresses hate. That is the view of the U.S. Supreme Court.

In the schools, the court has recognized that there are legitimate reasons for educators to discipline students who insult others or disrupt the classroom, even if the same words spoken away from school might enjoy First Amendment protection. But this ought not to create a system in which educators encourage students on one side of a hotly disputed debate or election to voice their feelings while students on the other side feel inhibited from speaking out with equal vigor, so long as neither side is being disruptive or personally insulting.

Sounds like the editorial staff needs a new lessons on free speech as well. That’s pretty sad if you stop and think about it, but even more pathetic is it’s most likely the new normal.

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Coming to an infrastructure project near you – STICK THIS IN YOUR PIPELINE

The activists tell an emotionally charged tale of greed, racism and misbehavior by corporate and government officials. But the real story of the Dakota Access Pipeline was revealed in court documents in September, and it is nothing like the activists’ tale. In fact, it is the complete opposite.

Guess you’ll have to read the whole thing….  unless you’re from Boulder, then you already know everything.

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WHAT A BUNCH OF SISSIES – Suck it up Pussies

He adds the group acted according to college policy and reported the incident to the Madison, Wisconsin Police Department, which is currently investigating it as a “Hate Crime,” and that it is also being investigated through the college’s Student Conduct Process.

“Covert micro-aggressions and overt macro-aggressions appear to have taken on new fervor in higher education since our national election,” Chambers writes. “The frequency, boldness, and severity with which hateful acts have been occurring has, for many, signaled a new era of intolerance, fear, and mistrust in higher education.”

Goodness gracious, grow a pair. A hate crime? You’re really not that important or deserving. Typical left, they stretch something until it breaks. If there’s a “hate crime” here, then we’re all walking talking hate crimes.

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Fake news is all the rage. The question is, who is reporting it?

Fake news

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Unbroken Chain

Blue light rain, Whoa, unbroken chain
Looking for familiar faces, In an empty window pane

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Climate change, is there anything it can’t do? Climate Change Causes First Tokyo November Snow in 54 Years 

Climate change has caused many unusual weather occurrences around the globe. Tokyo for one is currently experiencing its first November snow in 54 years.

No critical thinking going on here whatsoever.

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I love these predictions that have such a short time period – Humans ‘don’t have 10 years’ left thanks to climate change – scientist.

Guy McPherson, a biology professor at the University of Arizona, says the human destruction of our own habitat is leading towards the world’s sixth mass extinction

Perhaps Mr. McPherson should consult the great Yogi Berra, who said this about predictions…

It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.

He’s on my calendar. Ridiculing can start in about 5 years. I assume Mr McPherson knows that the artic ice cap is supposed to have melted by now.

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Make it so – Liberals’ California dream of secession will end up a nightmare

First and foremost, the state would need to be divided into the 24 counties that voted for Donald Trump. Also, an additional five counties only supported Clinton with a plurality of a vote — they’d probably like to stay in the U.S. as well.

The independent nation of California also runs into the problem that it’s dependent on other states for water. Los Angeles gets its water from the Colorado River; the biggest reservoirs are located in Arizona and Nevada.

Rain and bottled water are not enough to keep SoCal going. An independent California means importing water from a foreign country and tax on the source.

Given the state’s tendency to have massive wildfires and earthquakes, a natural disaster would also impose an even greater strain on the new country.

After the problem with natural resources, you’ll also face an economic difficulty. The middle class is shrinking, and the California Department of Finance reported on November 16th that there’s a tax shortfall of a billion dollars this year.

Liberals love to whine about income inequality, but California is a cesspool of problems. It’s not just expensive cities like San Francisco either where conditions have worsened.

According to an August 2016 study by the Public Policy Institute of California, income inequality has skyrocketed in the Inland Empire, Sacramento, and the Central Valley.

California’s social welfare, economic, and amnesty policy traded in middle-income taxpayers for low-skilled agricultural workers. A nation of California would have an unstable tax structure: wealthy tech billionaires, millionaires from the entertainment world, a small middle class, and millions of people who pick their fruit and clean their houses.

It should go without saying that the progressive plan for open borders, higher taxes, and a generous welfare system will only be exacerbated going into the future.

Faster please…

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Author and blogger Sara Hoyt, after writing how she’s trying to “recover” her latest book, Darkship Revenge, in midpost, switches subjects to Donald Trump. This paragraph made me start paying caught my attention…

I will also confess the reaction from the left makes me very relieved with the results — and makes me realize why I was so depressed before the election — because it shows  they have interiorized politics as revelation, with the certainty that their way is not only right but inevitable.  It’s going to take a few slaps with the cold fish of reality before they realize it’s neither.  It’s going to take a few slaps for them even to THINK about whether the outcome they’re working towards is worth it.

I’m not sure there are enough cold fish in the world to fix Boulder.

News to the left, your way is not necessarily right and it’s certainly not inevitable. The same old tune that anyone that Donald Trump appoints to a Cabinet position or a position of power is a racist, sexist, homophobe, supporter of the KKK, secret member of the alt-right movement is way past the expiration date. You’ve been doing this for years and frankly the story smells like the cold fish that’s going to be hitting you repeatedly in the face until you wake up to the fact that flyover country is not full of neanderthals.

While I don’t expect People’s Republic of Boulder to lose its smuggery, it’s either going to come down a few notches, or Boulder is going to turn into a place for the isolated and very smug, elite. Not to mention being enternally stoned and having expensive electricity.

The press should start learning this lesson as well.

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From Iowahawks twitter feed. I couldn’t agree more. I have watched in astonishment as liberal anger has been on display. Where did you learn to act like that?

Dim's convince reluctant voters they made right choice

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So Boulder… (The Bubble from SNL)

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