Destination Hillary – Beaton: If you can’t stand the heat, then go back to the kitchen
Hillary aside, there’s been a lot of progress for women…

Women are three of the eight Supreme Court justices. They make up about half of law and medical school students and a majority of other graduate students. They have served as heads of state in Great Britain, Israel, India, France, Argentina, Brazil, Germany, Italy, the Philippines, China, Switzerland, Iceland, Austria and elsewhere.

Meanwhile, due to the risky nature of some of their trades (have you ever been on an oil rig or a fishing boat?) men continue to suffer on-the-job fatalities at a rate 14 times higher than women, and in general die about seven years younger than women. (Those facts don’t draw a lot of outrage, however.)

Stop the effing presses, let’s read that again. Men suffer on-the-job fatalities at 14x time higher (rate) than women and die SEVEN years younger. Wowza, don’t hear anyone complaining about that. However that explains why my life insurance costs more than my wife’s.

Oh and did you realize that women don’t vote as an homogeneous group?

So it was perplexing recently hear some women presume to speak for all women about the election results. Bear in mind that, whichever way a woman voted, only about one-fourth of other American women voted the same way. The other three-fourths voted the other way or didn’t vote at all.

Unfortunately, Hillary has joined the recount movement, for what purpose it isn’t clear.

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