Things that can’t go on forever, won’t. Debt that can’t be repaid, won’t be. Promises that can’t be kept, won’t be. – Glenn Harlan Reynolds/Instapundit
Owing to a serious misconception, almost half of college students recently polled believe they won’t be saddled with student loans soon after graduation.According to a survey of 500 current college
Americans are in a long-term struggle over the scale of control that government is going to exert over their lives. The side that wants to limit government has been getting beaten badly, because the side that wants to expand government is willing to take more political risks than the side that purports to support freedom and less government. If Democrats take ten steps forward when they’re in power, and Republicans merely pull them back a step when they assume power, then Americans and their state governments will be forced to cede more and more power to Washington until the U.S. is indistinguishable from a European social welfare state.
I’m afraid the answer is “no,” and we’ll know soon enough. I can tell you they will lose my vote if they don’t fix this abomination.
Finding a roommate you can get along with can be a struggle. Will they be messy or neat? Do they love dogs? Will they be loud or respect your need for quiet?Now, for some people seeking roommates, the “extreme vetting” also includes asking candidates whether they support President Donald Trump.
Silicon Valley has become rather notorious for its “bro culture” in recent years with many companies announcing measures to attract more women.However according to Ms Fowler, when she joined Uber, women represented 25 per cent of the organization she worked in. On her last day, she says that number was down to about 3 per cent.It didn’t take long for her blog post to be widely circulated, prompting a response from her former employer. Uber chief executive Travis Kalanick said the company will “conduct an urgent investigation” into the allegations, and promised to fire anyone who “behaves this way or thinks this is OK.”
This is a stunning allegation if anywhere close to true. If the percentage of women in Uber truly dropped from 25% to 3% in slightly over a year, alarm bells should have been going off everywhere. This is truly an out of control organization or Ms. Fowler isn’t seeing the entire picture.
I can’t for the life of me understand how HR could ignore her complaints. No HR person that I know on the face of the earth, well let’s narrow it down to companies that have HR departments in the US, would ever ignore such a complaint. Mr. Kalanick’s response is correct, however, he certainly must be asking himself how this happened under his watch (assuming it did).
One thing is for sure, we don’t know the whole story. We may never know the entire story, but I suspect there will be enough story to understand what happened and who dropped the ball.
It’s easy to dismiss this as another example of “fake news,” the phrase that went from novel to cliché in about 22 minutes, but that’s not what happened here. This was an entirely different phenomenon: people’s perceptions are actually being altered, first by their attitudes toward Trump, and then by the reinforcement from various outlets that share their attitudes toward Trump.
We’re talking about what Trump said about Sweden and terrorism. I’ll give you a hint, it didn’t happen. Read the whole thing and let me know if you see the moonwalking bear.
Cook called on information companies to create messaging campaigns to counter fake news. He also said governments need to take the lead with their own campaigns.
I call on Tim Cook to shut up and make great products.
Anyway, there are tons of Ivanka Trump products available on Amazon, and you can thank Bezos for not caving to threats by purchasing some for yourself or a loved one. (It is almost Valentine’s Day after all).
Both hands clapping Mr. Bezos. I can’t quite figure out what Ivanka’s done wrong except be a successful businesswoman. What’s not to like about that?
Heck, here’s her picture, just to piss arrogant liberals off….
A young woman then read a statement prepared by Breitbart Senior Editor MILO: “Thank you all for coming out today in defense of free speech on campus. I’d have loved to join you in Tennessee, but I’m stuck in sunny Florida preparing to make our headlines in defense of a right we all hold dear, the freedom of students, professors and guest speakers to speak their ideas on campus, no matter how unpopular they may be with the liberal elite.”
“There was a time, not too long ago in fact, when the MILO bill was not necessary,” the statement continued. “Colleges and Universities existed to challenge cherished ideas, foster a culture of free expression and develop in students a robust ability to reason and compare different ideas.”
“But that time has passed,” the statement continued. “Berkeley University, once the home of the free speech movement, is now the home of violently attacking those with the audacity to disagree with left-wing politics. At other universities, students are ostracized or flunked out of classes for politically incorrect ideas, and still other schools either outright barred me from appearing to speak or used last minute security fees as a slimy way to weasel out of allowing me to appear.”
“Vanishingly few schools have embraced the free speech principles outlined by the University of Chicago, and until they all do, the culture war that has erupted on campuses will not be over. We are winning the war. And we will continue to win as long as students, and now defenders of free speech within the government, stand up to ivory tower intellectuals and left-wing administrators intent on shutting up any speech they don’t find convenient,” MILO’s statement concluded.
It looks like Colorado is working on a similar measure with bipartisan support.
So let’s see: Yiannopoulos, who is an outsider to Berkeley and generally unwelcome there, succeeds in secretly arranging for more than 100 thugs to assemble in this city and then invade the Berkeley campus and cause more than $100,000 in damage, all to create a pretextual motive for Trump to alter federal funding for the UC system. And Yiannopoulos manages to do this without a single one of the thugs spilling the beans and tipping off the fact that this violent criminal conspiracy is organized by Yiannopoulos, not his opponents.
To even describe the plot is to make clear how phantasmagorical the whole idea is. Occam’s razor applies here….
If someone like Reich could be embarrassed by his stoopidity and total lack of common sense, this would be that time. Of course, self identifying as a progressive left wing nut with a screw loose is apparently a badge of honor.
As implied above, calling Reich dumber than a box of rocks is still a complement.
The report claimed that the ‘pause’ or ‘slowdown’ in global warming in the period since 1998 – revealed by UN scientists in 2013 – never existed, and that world temperatures had been rising faster than scientists expected. Launched by NOAA with a public relations fanfare, it was splashed across the world’s media, and cited repeatedly by politicians and policy makers.
But the whistleblower, Dr John Bates, a top NOAA scientist with an impeccable reputation, has shown The Mail on Sunday irrefutable evidence that the paper was based on misleading, ‘unverified’ data. (emphasis added)
It was never subjected to NOAA’s rigorous internal evaluation process – which Dr Bates devised.
His vehement objections to the publication of the faulty data were overridden by his NOAA superiors in what he describes as a ‘blatant attempt to intensify the impact’ of what became known as the Pausebuster paper.
I’m sure social media has already started the war to discredit Dr. Bates.
NPR Media Correspondent and author David Folkenflik falsely labeled Breitbart Senior Editor MILO as a “champion” of the alt-right, despite the fact that both parties have repeatedly refuted this claim.
Allahu Akbar! | Power LineIn case you don’t know or remember, or thought it really didn’t happen, here is Powerline’s refresher course…
You are probably familiar with the Rotherham scandal. Rotherham is a city in England where over a period of years, more than 1,400 girls, many of them pre-teens, were raped and trafficked by a loose consortium of men. The men were all Muslim immigrants or sons of immigrants, the girls were all, or nearly all, white.
Note, the phrase “the men were all Muslim” means what it says. For far to long it was “nothing to see here, move along.”
This is idiotic reporting. Actually, however, I think a great many readers will be pleased to see, for once, Republicans using “muscle” and brute force on anything.
The vehemently negative response to Milo Yiannopoulos events at the University of Colorado and other college campuses has reinforced the decision to invite him in the first place, the president of the CU College Republicans says.
Chris Kohl, a senior majoring in mechanical engineering and the leader of the student group that is co-organizing Yiannopoulos’ sold-out talk on the Boulder campus Wednesday night, said the response to these events is symbolic of what it’s like to be a conservative student at colleges and universities around the country.
“It’s pretty common for conservatives to almost be forced into silence for what they believe or to be told that they’re bigots or racists or whatever,” Kohl said. “I really think that inviting Milo is more of a statement to promote our right to belong than it is to espouse his ideas.”
On the Boulder campus, just 16.3 percent of students are Republican and 20 percent of students described their political philosophy as conservative, according to the results of a 2014 survey. The numbers are even lower for CU employees: roughly 6 percent of faculty and 10.5 percent of staff are Republican, according to the survey.
On a campus that’s overwhelmingly liberal, Kohl said the CU College Republicans and the CU chapter of Turning Point USA, a national conservative activism group, shouldn’t have to fight for their right to invite a speaker to campus — an assertion Chancellor Phil DiStefano has made clear he agrees with in several messages to the campus community.
As with any speaker, event organizers don’t agree with everything Yiannopoulos says. But that doesn’t mean he isn’t worth listening to, Kohl said.
(All bold added by me )
Kudo’s to the College Republican’s and Chancellor Phil DiStefano.
Here’s to Milo offending as many Boulderite snowflakes as he can in his allotted time.
Milo Yiannopoulos is at CU Boulder this evening. Interesting that in the Facebook events section, there’s the Stop Milo event, but no mention of Milo. Perhaps because it’s been sold out for weeks. It will be live-streamed but apparently the link is a state-secret at the moment.
And here’s what the STOP MILO folks, who have to sense of humor whatsoever, have to say….
Milo Yiannopoulos, editor at and figurehead of the alt-right (neo-fascism) movement, will be giving a speech at CU.
We will be engaging in a peaceful protest outside of the seminar Yiannopoulos will be holding in order to express our disappointment with CU administration for condoning this, and to raise awareness of the disgusting things that Milo has said. Here’s a brief sample:
“Gay Rights Have Made Us Dumber, It’s Time to Get Back in the Closet”
“Women don’t work as hard”
“Isn’t that a bit sad? A tranny that can pass as a woman can walk into any women’s bathroom in the state.” (Said at another speech on this same tour)
“It is time for the LGBT community to drop the T” (Said at another speech on this same tour)
In the meantime, if you’re a student at CU or a facility/staff member, consider contacting CU Chancellor Phillip P. DiStefano and urging him to take action on this abhorrent display of bigotry:
Phone: 303-492-8908
University Administrative Center
914 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80309
Milo on the alt-right:
This interview makes me want to see Milo.
Congratulations to the CU Boulder administration for allowing this event to proceed.
To the stop Milo folks, why are you so afraid of words and points of view you don’t like? Freedom of speech is much more important than you taking offense. Yes, freedom of speech includes your right to peacefully protest, but remember you are protesting to shut someone else’s voice down. In essence, you wish to take away Milo’s freedom of speech. Be careful, that might come back to haunt you.
I recently heard a surprising story: A female CEO was briefed on a stellar candidate for a top job at her company. “Sounds ideal,” she said to the group in the room. “Male or female?” Male was the answer. “Damn” was her audible response. The guy wasn’t even interviewed. Why Are Men Silent
“This has been the coldest season with the most ice since we started Arctic Watch in 2000. Almost no whales. The NWPassage is still blocked with ice. Some of the bays still have not melted!”
Richard weber, owner/operater Arctic Watch
Generation Screwed
And rather than follow the conventional path of indebting yourself for 13-years so that you can attend university for four, and then fork over the bulk of your pay to the government, instead focus on learning tangible, valuable skills overseas.
Government Cheese
Boulder County Fairness in Road Maintenance (FIRM)
On November 5, 2013, residents and property owners of subdivisions in unincorporated Boulder County will go to the polls to vote on 5C. A group of your fellow citizens has banded together to provide you, our neighbors, with facts and information about why you should vote NO on this tax increase. To learn more, click on the button below.