Philip Klein hits the nail on the head – Obamacare gut check: Do Republicans love freedom as much as Democrats love big government? | Washington Examiner

Americans are in a long-term struggle over the scale of control that government is going to exert over their lives. The side that wants to limit government has been getting beaten badly, because the side that wants to expand government is willing to take more political risks than the side that purports to support freedom and less government. If Democrats take ten steps forward when they’re in power, and Republicans merely pull them back a step when they assume power, then Americans and their state governments will be forced to cede more and more power to Washington until the U.S. is indistinguishable from a European social welfare state.

I’m afraid the answer is “no,” and we’ll know soon enough. I can tell you they will lose my vote if they don’t fix this abomination.

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