Wowza! – Chick-Fil-A Generates Most Revenue-Per-Restaurant | The Daily Caller

Chick-fil-A, an American fast-food chain open for business a meagre six days a week, has retained the crown for most revenue per restaurant in the US, according to the latest report released by QSR magazine.

Chick-fil-A raked in revenues of over $4.4 million, more than doubling trendy competitors In-N-Out Burger, Chipotle, and Steak N Shake.

How do they do it?

The secrets to Chick-fil-A’s ever growing success are threefold: superior drive-thru services, robust investment in employee training programs, and cult-like customer loyalty.

Chick-fil-A’s drive-thru operations have unfolded almost impeccably, finishing at the top of research firm SeeLevelHX rankings. This is important because it is estimated that anywhere between 60-70 percent of Chick-fil-A business is generated via drive-thru.

Customers documented that employees were more likely to say “thank you”, had an order accuracy rate of 97 percent, and displayed a pleasant demeanor in 9 out of every 10 visits.

Furthermore, customers find the drive-thru process to be amiable due to the face-to-face ordering process in which employees stand outside the restaurant taking orders on tablets, improving accuracy.

Sounds like a great company to work for. So un-Boulder.

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I got this strange feeling things will not end well for USC – Female student: USC threatened me because I said my boyfriend didn’t beat me up – The College Fix

A former football player was “railroaded” by a “rogue” Title IX office at the University of Southern California, according to a surprising source — his alleged “victim.”

Zoe Katz, the captain of USC’s women’s tennis team, is accusing the university of not only ignoring her protestations that her boyfriend Matt Boermeester didn’t assault her, but threatening her for speaking up.

College age men, please be careful out there.

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The Day in Pictures: No More Mooching Special Edition | Power Line

A few of the pics are posted below, it’s worth your time to visit Powerline and read Steven Hayward’s post.

Continue reading

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NEW: Attkisson v. DOJ: The Computer Intrusion Lawsuit against the Federal Govt. | Sharyl Attkisson

Tracing the evidence of the government-related intrusion to individual participants hasn’t been easy. The attackers attempted to erase their tracks once they were discovered. And neither the U.S.P.S. nor the Department of Justice (DOJ) are voluntarily cooperating. But experts familiar with the tools and tradecraft that are proprietary to government intelligence agencies have painstakingly recovered and pieced together compelling forensic proof as to attribution.

“There can be no reasonable question that an [Advanced Persistent Threat]-style cyber-attack was carried on Attkisson’s computer systems and Internet connection,” stated Scantling in an affidavit filed last week. “Specifically, the APT methods deployed against [Attkisson’s] computers and Internet connection…were sophisticated and of the type only available to government-type activities and operations.” (emphasis added)

I remember going to lunch not long after 9/11 with a group that I rarely saw. When I sat down they were already talking about President Bush monitoring phone calls. They seemed quite concerned and certainly didn’t give any weight to efforts to not intercept or reveal innocent US parties involved in international conversations.

Where are these people during the Obama administration and why isn’t there a loud outcry regarding Sharyl Attkisson’s computer being hacked a government that refuses to admit they did it?

Obviously, people like the “friends” I met for lunch were only concerned when the wrong political party or person abused government power. I’m concerned when government abuses political and administrative power regardless of the affiliated party.

Posted in big brother, big data, big government | Leave a comment

Hey Boulder, you’re on the list! 261 “Sanctuary Cities” to Lose Millions in Funding; Here’s The List

City of Boulder: $49,602.


Posted in Boulder is stoopid, climate change | Leave a comment

Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) has been caught red handed erasing record-breaking cold temperatures from its data records.

Source: Delingpole: Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology Caught Erasing Record Low Temperatures

These “adjustments” seem to go only one way. The BOM is perfectly happy to record and announce it whenever Australia’s temperatures hit record-breaking highs. But when the temperatures reach new lows it’s a different matter altogether.

For some strange reason that the BOM has been unable to explain, when temperatures go below a certain point it either deletes them as if they had never been – or it enters them into its records at higher temperature than the one actually recorded by its thermometers.

The dodgy adjustments were spotted by investigative journalist Jennifer Marohasy.

And it started because…

Earlier this month, she was contacted by bush meteorologist Lance Pidgeon who had noticed that Goulburn, a town south west of Sydney, had smashed its temperature record with a low of -10.4 degrees Celsius.

Except, the Bureau has since erased this measurement. (emphasis added)

The BOM seems to have the same disease that a lot of climate change investigators have, fear of sunshine…

For example, against the principles of robust science, it refuses to allow its data to be audited independently – or to discuss why or how it makes its temperature adjustments.

Let the sunshine in….

Posted in #GREENFAIL, climate change, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

Where’s my shocked face when I need it –Psychologists say more and more young people are entitled | indy100

At extreme levels, entitlement is a toxic narcissistic trait, repeatedly exposing people to the risk of feeling frustrated, unhappy and disappointed with life.

Often times, life, health, ageing and the social world don’t treat us as well as we’d like.

Confronting these limitations is especially threatening to an entitled person because it violates their worldview of self-superiority.

Aside from the Millennials, it all sounds “So Boulder.”

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It’s embarrassing when you’re wrong – JK Rowling falsely accuses Trump of not shaking boy’s hand | Daily Mail Online

Piers Morgan is calling out J.K. Rowling after she hit out at President Donald Trump in a series of tweets where she blasted his apparent refusal to shake the hand of a disabled little boy.

But when you’re an important icon and you make a mistake of this magnitude, you need to own up. Of course, if it has to do with Donald Trump and you’re left leaning, perhaps you don’t.

And according to Twitchy, JK has made no corrections.

Just do give you an update, as of the writing of this post J.K. Rowling has yet to correct her now debunked tweets accusing President Donald Trump of avoiding a little boy in a wheelchair at the White House.

To her credit, Chelsea Clinton has acknowledge the tweet was incorrect.

Posted in stoopid progressives, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

Well, it would be the truth – Proposal Would Rename Evergreen State to ‘Social Justice Warrior PC Indoctrination Compound’ – Breitbart

The measure would change the college’s name and official seal to display a brown-shirted, black-masked anarchist trampling on the Constitution and Declaration of Independence.

Posted in stoopid progressives, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

Yes, if he knows how to use blackmail (whoops I mean be a politician): Analysis: Can a president at war with both Republicans and Democrats govern? USA Today doesn’t agree and they’re probably right, but they risk not understanding the strength of the “drain the swamp” movement.

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Stephen Hawking and the Temple of Dooms | Lifestyle

Over at Instapundit, Ed Driscoll wonders….

If climate change scientists (and those who play them on TV, such as Bill Nye, the Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering Guy) and their enablers in the DNC-MSM wonder why they’ve been tuned out by much of the country, perhaps because It’s been nearly 50 years since Paul Ehrlich’s The Population Bomb began the left’s doomsday cult, and it’s been nothing but “Temples of Doom” since. How many different ways – and how many times – can you say the sky is falling and still be taken seriously? (emphasis added)

Well in Boulder, where everyone’s drunk the doomsday cult global warming Kool-Aid, the end of the rope might as well be an infinite distance away. Being an intellectual elite that knows the answer, because they are better and more intelligent than everyone else, a false prophet does make. I’m confused about how the critical thinking gene was excised from all these (pseudo) intellectual’s DNA.

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Coming soon to a state near you – Newsalert: Illegals don’t get free benefits? Here’s a letter from San Francisco’s Medicaid program encouraging illegals to use Medicaid

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News Boulder crosswalk zombies can use – Honolulu targets ‘smartphone zombies’ with crosswalk ban

A ban on pedestrians looking at mobile phones or texting while crossing the street will take effect in Hawaii’s largest city in late October, as Honolulu becomes the first major U.S. city to pass legislation aimed at reducing injuries and deaths from “distracted walking.”

The ban comes as cities around the world grapple with how to protect phone-obsessed “smartphone zombies” from injuring themselves by stepping into traffic or running into stationary objects

Heck it was bad in Boulder even before smartphones with the arrogant superiority of pedestrians.

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Michigan Juror Rights Pamphleteer Free From Jail Pending His Appeal – Hit & Run :

The law afraid of the law. It will be interesting how this turns out.

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Much to Boulder’s dismay – IEA: U.S. has unique role in oil, LNG –

The United States stands in a unique position in the energy market with a robust shale oil sector and prospects for liquefied natural gas, the IEA said. Fatih Birol, the head of the International Energy Agency, met in Washington with U.S.

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Glenn Reynolds, the blogfather , goes after Jeff Sessions in his USA Today opinion piece Forget Russia. I’d fire Jeff Sessions over civil forfeiture. I couldn’t agree more strongly.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions wants to steal from you. (Emphasis added – ChrisA)

Oh, he doesn’t call it that. He calls it “civil forfeiture.” But what it is, is theft by law enforcement. Sessions should be ashamed. If I were president, he’d be fired.

Well, Glenn would have never selected Jeff Sessions in the first place, but that does nothing to invalidate his opinion.

Under “civil forfeiture,” law enforcement can take property from people under the legal fiction that the property itself is guilty of a crime. (“Legal fiction” sounds better than “lie,” but in this case the two terms are near synonyms.) It was originally sold as a tool for going after the assets of drug kingpins, but nowadays it seems to be used against a lot of ordinary Americans who just have things that law enforcement wants. It’s also a way for law enforcement agencies to maintain off-budget slush funds, thus escaping scrutiny.

Just go ask Boulderites Bert and Jean Wagner how Civil Asset Forfeiture made their lives, and their daughters a living hell. Homeland Security Terrorizes Family

Bet you didn’t know this factoid…

The problem is pretty widespread: In 2015, The Washington Post reported that law enforcement took more stuff from people than burglars did.

Reynolds concludes….

In the meantime, Sessions is doing exactly the wrong thing by doubling down on asset seizure. The message it sends is that the feds see the rest of us as prey, not as citizens. The attorney general should be ashamed to take that position. And, really, he should just be gone. (emphasis added again – ChrisA)

Can’t happen soon enough, although I’m more than very skeptical that it will. And a big h/t to the blogfather for taking on Jeff Sessions and for his Instapundit blog.

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Drill baby drill – Along Boulder County’s eastern fringes, resistance to oil and gas regulation abounds – Longmont Times-Call

If BoCo wants to prevent fracking, it’s time that they stop benefiting from the lower oil prices.

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I tried to change themes today and had to back off as it’s a larger task than I cared to undertake at the moment. I did delete some side bar entries and re-arranged. More updates to come.



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To use a phrase coined by Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit, “punch back twice as hard.” Berkeley College Republicans: Shapiro Is Coming Whether Berkeley Likes It Or Not. | Daily Wire

UC Berkeley continues to make futile attempts to police free speech via lies, deceit, and incoherent policy.

News broke Wednesday that Ben Shapiro would not be able to speak at Berkeley because “despite extensive efforts, we have been unable to identify an available campus venue that meets your stated criteria,” a university administrator said. Self-absorbed, academia bureaucrats went on to tell the Berkeley College Republicans, “Although it is not common practice for the Dean of Students office or the LEAD Center to work on securing space reservations on behalf of a Registered Student Organization (RSO), our interest in supporting your ability to host speakers of your choice has led us to make additional efforts on your behalf.”

Laughable, I bet if OJ wanted to speak at Berkeley there would be no problem. The College Republican’s have also had issues with obtaining permission for Ann Coulter, Milo Yiannopoulos and others to speak. But higher ranking royalty hasn’t had problems finding space to speak on their campus, including Justice Sotomayor and Vicente Fox.

Former speakers were all barred from speaking at Berkeley because the administration would place arbitrary hoops the Berkeley College Republicans would have to jump through in order to host an event. Other organizations could host Justice Sotomayor and Vicente Fox (former President of Mexico) at any venue and time they wanted, without the university skipping a beat. But as soon as the Berkeley College Republicans attempted to bring prominent conservatives on campus, the University turned obstructionist. They delayed and increased the costs of hosting an event, caved to the heckler’s veto as a “security risk,” and turned to enforcing unwritten policies such as “high profile speakers cannot speak in the evening” (despite the fact Vicente Fox and Justice Sotomayor spoke in the evening).

The College Republican’s conclude:

In the past, I at least could have a little respect for the administration and faculty’s unabashed willingness to violate my constitutional rights. Now, my rights continue to be violated by shadowy figures inside the administration that enforce half-baked policies and take home six-figure paychecks, insisting they’re my friend.

Why would the administration embrace hypocrisy and shut down conservatives when they should believe sunlight is the best disinfectant for supposedly immoral conservatism? Answer: snowflakes melt, and the Leftist administration is petrified to lose their disciples. They have devoted millions of taxpayer dollars to brainwash adherents, and exposure to a logical, differing viewpoint could create conservative converts. Therefore, the university is willing to pull out all the stops: security concerns and fees, curfews, hate speech. Whatever claim would justify stalling and shutting down the event to avoid jeopardizing UC Berkeley’s influence and power.

I have some bad news for you, Berkeley: We will never waiver in our fight for free speech, and Ben is coming to Berkeley whether you like it or not.

If Chancellor Christ wants tickets, tell her to email me at

Got that Chancellor Carol Christ? You can get tickets to hear Ben Shapiro speak, on YOUR campus, by emailing Bradley Devlin, your new bff, at

Let Freedom Ring.


Posted in freedom of speech, stuck on stoopid, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

Washington Examiner – Bill Nye: Older people need to ‘die’ out before climate science can advance

Bill Nye specifically targeted the elderly this week as he spoke out against climate change deniers, saying that climate science will start to advance when old people start to “age out,” according to a report.

The “Science Guy” said that generationally, the majority of climate change deniers are older.

“Climate change deniers, by way of example, are older. It’s generational,” Nye told the Los Angeles Times. Nye said that he is calling them out with “due respect,” acknowledging that he is “now one of them.”

Of course we’re older, which means we haven’t been brainwashed by our educational system.

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