Stephen Hawking and the Temple of Dooms | Lifestyle

Over at Instapundit, Ed Driscoll wonders….

If climate change scientists (and those who play them on TV, such as Bill Nye, the Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering Guy) and their enablers in the DNC-MSM wonder why they’ve been tuned out by much of the country, perhaps because It’s been nearly 50 years since Paul Ehrlich’s The Population Bomb began the left’s doomsday cult, and it’s been nothing but “Temples of Doom” since. How many different ways – and how many times – can you say the sky is falling and still be taken seriously? (emphasis added)

Well in Boulder, where everyone’s drunk the doomsday cult global warming Kool-Aid, the end of the rope might as well be an infinite distance away. Being an intellectual elite that knows the answer, because they are better and more intelligent than everyone else, a false prophet does make. I’m confused about how the critical thinking gene was excised from all these (pseudo) intellectual’s DNA.

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