Shocked face – Three Women Called Police on Imran Awan | The Daily Caller Liberals, you DO know who Imran Awan is, right?

Multiple women in relationships with Imran Awan, the indicted former IT aide for Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, have recently called Virginia law enforcement and alleged being abused by him, police reports obtained under Virginia’s Freedom of Information Act show.

Officers found one of the women bloodied and she told them she “just wanted to leave,” while the second said she felt like a “slave,” according to Fairfax County Police reports obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group. A third woman claimed she was being kept “in captivity.”

The third woman is Awan’s stepmother, Samina Gilani, who said in court documents that Awan invoked his authority as a congressional employee to intimidate immigrant women, in part by telling them he had the power to have people kidnapped.

All but two of the nearly two dozen Democratic women Awan worked for in the House declined to comment on the police reports.

It appears Debbie Wasserman Scultz went above and beyond not only the call of duty, but pure and simple common sense in supporting Awan.

Wasserman Schultz said that “as a mother, a Jew, and a member of Congress,” she wanted to defend his rights, a sentiment echoed by Rep. Marcia Fudge, an Ohio Democrat. Rep. Gregory Meeks, a New York Democrat. Wasserman Schultz also claimed allegations against Awan might stem from Islamophobia. All three women are Muslim.

If I had to guess, Wasserman Schultz is suffering from an extreme case if Jewish white guilt and lack of commons sense. Or she could just be stoopid. Or there’s plenty of more sinister things I can say that Democrats would be saying if this was a Republican.

Posted in stoopid Democrats, stoopid progressives, thugs | Leave a comment

Tucker Carlson: “Patronizing Assurances That No One Was Spying On Political Campaigns Were False, Probably Intentionally So” | Video | RealClearPolitics

Manafort, it ought to be noted, had an apartment inside Trump Tower at that time, so it is virtually certain that surveillance of him would have included other members of the Trump campaign staff, maybe even Trump himself. In other words, it looks like Trump’s tweet may have been right. So why did three top members of Congress from both parties, and the country’s top law enforcement officers all assure us that the surveillance didn’t happen? That there wasn’t a shred of evidence to suggest it had happened? Were they lying or did they simply not know?

Neither answer is comforting.

Either the intelligence agency has gone rogue, pursuing its own goals without meaningful oversight from elected officials, or, our elected officials are colluding with each other to lie to the public, apparently for political reasons.

(all emphasis added)

Somebodies need to pay. Lying or being willfully ignorant should come back to haunt all these crooks.

Ann Althouse quotes from none other than Rush Limbaugh – “This is much worse than a thrid-rate burglary taht went awry.”

“Trump was called a liar. He was mocked for tweeting about Trump Tower being wiretapped. David Gergen, you’ll hear on the sound bites today, practically chokes when confronted with the news that Trump was right and doesn’t quite know what to say about it. But, I tell you what, folks, in many ways it’s worse than Watergate, and it’s still going on even with Trump in the White House. Richard Nixon was accused of spying on the DNC, but Nixon never ordered any such spying. In fact, he didn’t know anything about it. He was accused of using the IRS against his political opponents, but he never did. We know for a fact that Obama did both of these things, used the IRS against political opponents and probably more. There’s no outrage in the media on this. They think it’s great that Manafort’s lock was picked. The New York Times reports this as though it’s something that happens every day. Yep, the FBI showed up, they picked the lock of Manafort’s front door in Virginia and walked in and woke him up along with his family and then started demanding things and taking things….”

To give credit where credit is due. no original thinking on my part. Big h/t to both Stephen Green and Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit.

Something really really stinks here. Manafort is certainly not dressed in white, but there is corruption and government thuggery all over the place. The no outrage from the media is the least surprising of all of this. If outrage does surface where the general public understands, which I’m somewhat skeptical of considering the polarized state of affairs in our nation, the main stream media may never recover. Now that, would be OK with me.

Posted in Tea Party, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

Who speaks for the Obamacare middle class? Betsy McCaughey –ObamaCare is making the middle class the new uninsured | New York Post

ObamaCare’s defenders insist premium hikes are not a problem because whenever premiums go up, so do subsidies for low-income buyers. They pay the same year after year, regardless of how premiums soar.

These ObamaCare apologists never mention buyers who don’t qualify for subsidies. Under the law, individuals earning over $47,520 and couples earning over $64,080 must pay the full premium. No compassion for middle-class folks. They’re chopped liver. (emphasis added)

In 2017, the average premium for a family of four buying on the eHealth site — which sells market-rate plans directly to consumers — reached $14,300 with a whopping $8,322 deductible. That means shelling out over $22,600 before seeing a penny from insurance. You can pay your mortgage for that. Ouch!

In 2018, many buyers will conclude they can’t afford insurance, because it would consume up to a quarter of their pre-tax income, according to University of Houston health law professor Seth Chandler.

This seems like a great time to remind everyone of Colorado’s 2018 Obamacare rate increases:

Company 2018 Avg Increase
Anthem BCBS


Bright Health




Denver Health




Friday Health


Left out is Rocky Mountain Health Plans who only sells plans in Mesa County, Freedom Health, which only sells plans in very specific circumstances and the Anthem Catastrophic PPO, whose rate increase is 33%.

The average rate increase, according to the Division of Insurance is 26.7%. This has 2 potential affects on middle class consumers:

  1.  Very drastic rate increases, and the the only course of action  they have to counteract this rate increase are:
    1. Change to a less expensive plan (14 counties only have one insurer, Anthem BCBS, so that is not an option). This step obviously can only do so much.
    2. Sign up for a Health Care Sharing Ministries plan. These plans are NOT insurance but do provide benefits and would shield them from the penalty. A statement of faith, which varies from company to company, must be agreed to. This option can also be shored up with supplemental plans such as accident and critical illness. They are far from perfect.
    3. Go uninsured
  2. Another possibility is the middle class consumer does qualify for a tax credit but their income is very close to the 400% of the Federal Poverty Level where the tax credit disappears. If this insureds make a $1 too much, they must pay back all the tax credit they received. This is called the “subsidy cliff.” In high cost insurance areas, it is already significant. For example, a family of 4 in Durango has a subsidy cliff in 2017 that is greater than $15,000. With a 26.7% increase in premium, their subsidy cliff will rise in tandem to approximately $19,000. This is quite a significant perverse incentive to decline pay raises, not change to a better paying job, etc. Makes me sick.

But as Betsy McCaughey basically says, no one is looking out for the middle class, they have no voice.

I’d like to say this is how you get more Trump, but he, or at least the Republican Congress has failed to date.


Added 9/20: I spoke with a client today who was fairly gleeful regarding the middle class feeling the pain of high insurance rates. He said that was how things got fixed. By fixed he meant single payer. I would say he was representative of the Boulderite group think and their inherent trust in big government.


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Politico – California Governor Compares Trump Supporters to Cave Dwellers

“They’re both kind of very similar. You should check out the derivation of ‘Trump-ite’ and ‘troglodyte,’ because they both refer to people who dwell in deep, dark caves,” Brown said in remarks reported by Politico.

This is how you get more Trump.

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Who is slamming Hillary? Trump Widely Slammed For Refusal to Accept Election Results

Clinton won’t rule out challenging legitimacy of 2016 election This is how you get more Trump.

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Emmy Ratings Hit Low With Trump Bashing, Sunday Night Football Dips | Deadline

Shocked fact time? Emmy Ratings Hit Low With Trump Bashing, Sunday Night Football Dips | Deadline

CBS’ 69th Primetime Emmy Awards had a lot of Donald Trump barbs & tripped to a new ratings low, as Sunday Night Football stumbled too.

With 11.38 million viewers tuning into the 69th annual Primetime Emmy Awards is even with last year’s show on ABC, which was the all-time low. The 2016 show was down 5% from the 2015 show, which was the previous low. Among adults 18-49, last night’s Emmys snagged a 2.5 rating. That’s down 10% from the Jimmy Kimmel hosted show of last year, the previous demo low. (emphasis added)

Hollywood losers, plain and simple.


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Get your t-shirt! – 1st Amendment & Boobs

Get ready to trigger all the CNN watchers you bump into with our “1st Amendment & Boobs” shirt!

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Out of touch executive – ESPN head to staff: ‘ESPN is not a political organization’ | TheHill

I’m thinking ESPN President John Skipper is going to be looking for a new job real soon now. Does he even pay attention to the network that he’s shepherding?

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I watched most of the Ben Shapiro live stream this evening, presented by the Young College Republicans at Berkeley. After watching, it is very hard to understand what the ruckus is all about. I can see how some of his views, especially on abortion would trouble liberals, especially those further left, but that is only a part of the mosiac of ideas that was presented. And it was discussed during the Q & A.

If students today, whether at Berkeley, or other institutions, believe positions such as Mr. Shaprio’s don’t deserve to be heard, shame on you.

A big shout out to the Berkeley College Republicans.

Also a big shout out to the liberals that attended and asked questions. Almost to a person, they said they supported free speech. That is the point after all.

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Hurricane's Florida Global warming

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Canada now investigates ‘climate denial’ | Toronto Sun

It’s like something out of George Orwell’s 1984. Canada’s Competition Bureau, an arm’s length agency funded by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government to the tune of almost $50 million annually, investigated three organizations accused of denying mainstream climate science for over a year, following a complaint from an environmental group.

The complaint?

It accused three groups, Friends of Science, the International Climate Science Coalition, and the Heartland Institute of making false and misleading claims about climate change, including that the sun is the main driver of climate change, not carbon dioxide, and that carbon dioxide is not a pollutant.

CO2 is air to a plant, what’s not to like?

Opinion colunnist Lorrie Goldstein asks a very simple question…

If we’re going to use agencies of the federal government to investigate and even prosecute “climate deniers”, for making “false and misleading claims” then let’s damn well do the same for “climate alarmists”, who do the same thing all the time. (emphasis added)

I read and hear politicians making “false and misleading claims” about climate change almost daily, particularly with regard to what federal and provincial carbon pricing schemes will actually accomplish, as opposed to what our governments are claiming they will accomplish.

But the way to decide these issues is through public debate, not running to an agency of the federal government to shut up people we disagree with, particularly a government that itself makes false and misleading claims about man-made climate change all the time.

Let’s see how public debate works these days in the United States. To allow Ben Shapiro to speak at Berkeley is a big deal?  And the Berkeley elite snowflakes are being offered counseling. Goodness gracious, they should told to sit down, shut up and grow up.

How in the world can there be any public debate, when the violent mob Antifa barely gets any press. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic.

Posted in climate change, global warming | 1 Comment

It’s almost like the author didn’t actually read or comprehend the expected path of Jose – Hurricane Jose 2017 tracker – latest path, where is it now, how does it compare to Irma and what category is it? Trying to make news where it doesn’t exist. At least he didn’t go on a global warming/climate change tirade.

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Note to Democrats/Progressives, this is how you get MORE TRUMP – Democratic Party Smears Neil Gorsuch As a Bigot | Power Line John Hinderaker at Powerline opens with…

I am not easily shocked these days, but an email sent by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee an hour and a half ago shocked me. First the email, then my comments on it. Click to enlarge: The Supreme Court is not currently in session and issuing opinions, so I was puzzled as to what the Democratic Party was talking about. After a little poking around, I found that the Court

After exploring the letter and what actually occurred (click on the link) Hinderaker continues…

That’s it. The Democrats’ claims in their email are simply insane. The Court obviously did not “give racial gerrymandering the green light,” or “allow racial gerrymandering in Texas,” or “destroy our right to vote,” or “rule that racially gerrymandered districts in Texas were constitutional,” or issue a “blatant endorsement of voter suppression,” or make a “disgusting attack on our voting rights.” Nor does this plain vanilla order, which preserves the status quo until an appeal can be heard on the merits, mean that “We need laws that protect voting rights from bigots like Trump and Gorsuch.”

and he concludes…

It has been a long time since I have been a fan of the Democratic Party. But the hate speech to which the Democrats–not a few renegade party members, but the Democratic Party itself–now resort, is utterly beyond the pale. The leaders of the Democratic Party must understand that the wild charges they fling against people like Neil Gorsuch are not just false, but crazy. But they don’t care: power is their sole object. (emphasis added)

We are living through a sad epoch in the history of our republic.

Keep it up Democrats, and I’ll repeat myself, THIS IS HOW YOU GET MORE TRUMP.

I”m glad I took time out of my day to go see Neil Gorsuch and family in the Niwot July 4th parade. He’s a class act, trying to tear him down spreading lies will work against the Democrats.

Posted in stoopid Democrats, stoopid progressives | Tagged | Leave a comment

Tomi Lahren: What happened Hillary? You happened

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Cary Kennedy announced Tuesday that she supports allowing anyone to buy into the state’s government-run Medicaid system.

Be careful what you wish for –  Democratic candidate for governor proposes Medicaid-for-all health care plan in Colorado – The Denver Post

Cary Kennedy is right about one thing, 27% rate increases are too high. Another benefit of Medicaid-for-all is it would put Connect for Health out of business.

Good luck finding a doctor.

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Single-payer health care — a bad idea Democrats love | Fox News

As ObamaCare continues to collapse, options for quality, affordable health care move further out of reach for many Americans. This week, Senator Bernie Sanders and other Senate Democrats plan to offer their solution: a complete Washington takeover of America’s health care system.


Supporters of putting the federal government in charge of personal health care decisions often cite the United Kingdom as their model. Democrats in the U.S. are pushing this idea at the same time many in the U.K. see their system of nationalized health care entering an ObamaCare-like death spiral.

The number of patients left waiting 12 hours or more for emergency care has spiked this year. There has also been a jump in the number of people waiting 18 weeks or longer to start treatment for long-term conditions.

Democrats would import these wait times to American health care. Everyone will get to experience the kind of delays at the heart of the VA hospital scandal a few years ago.

Some patients will never get the care they need. When Washington pays all the bills, it will soon decide to exert tighter control over everybody’s care.

In Britain, the rationing of health care has meant prohibiting certain medications and limits on surgery for things like cataracts and knee and hip operations. Some medical boards have banned routine surgeries for patients who are obese or smokers.

The British have found rationing necessary partly because of the exorbitant cost of “free” medical care. Another reason is the shortage of professionals to provide this care. The number of general practitioners has fallen, and four out of 10 say they are unlikely to be practicing in five years. Just since March 2016 there’s been a drop of 5,000 nurses and midwives across the British health care system.

Many cite disillusionment with the quality of care provided to patients. It’s a legitimate concern. The U.K. ranks 20th out of 24 western countries for breast cancer survival. The U.S. is first. For ischemic stroke the U.K. is 25th out of 30 countries. The U.S. is fourth.

If that’s the kind of quality care Democrats are planning, they should know that it won’t come cheap. Democrats in the California state senate passed their own version of “single-payer” earlier this year. The plan was estimated to cost about $400 billion per year – more than double the entire state budget.

Oh, the cost and how to pay for it?

Not surprisingly, other Democrats have suddenly become vague about the idea’s costs. House Democrats say their version would be paid for by things like “a modest tax on unearned income” and “a small tax on stock and bond transactions.”

The lack of specifics will sound familiar to anyone who remembers the debate over ObamaCare eight years ago.  (emphasis added) So far, even this has not been enough to help the idea get traction. Senator Sanders’ state of Vermont scrapped its own plan three years ago when faced with the overwhelming tax increases it would require.

I’d like to say fool me once….  but I was never fooled by Obamacare, just relatively powerless to do anything about it. That said, at least in the Boulder area, everyone believes single payer is a silver bullet. In other words, they have come to realize they were sold a bill of goods for Obamacare, but they are willing to “double down,” instead of realizing the more government involvement there is, the worse the care will become.

The concluding paragraph echoes my feelings…

With the ObamaCare markets in shambles, Democratic activists are making government–controlled health care the new litmus test for the liberal left. The plan is aimed squarely at anyone who believed the hype about how great ObamaCare would be. Democrats’ promises about their new health care scheme are even more outlandish. The American people can’t afford to get fooled again.

But Boulderites and their Progressive ilk throughout the coutnry are all in on single payer and 100% green energy. I sure hope they can afford it.

Posted in Medicare, single payer | 1 Comment

Hillary’s Excuses

Hillary's Excuses

Hillary, I’m not part of your inner circle, so let me set it to you straight. You need therapy, and you should start by looking in the mirror every time you want to blame someone other than yourself for losing to Donald Trump.

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The solution that rolls off the tongue of all my Progressive acquaintances – Are You Sure You Want Medicare for All? –

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) plans to unveil his long-awaited “Medicare for all” proposal for government-controlled, single-payer health care. His colleague, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), is all-in on the scheme. “Medicare for All is one way that we can give every single person in the country access to high quality health care,” she writes. “Everyone is covered. Nobody goes broke paying a medical bill. Families don’t have to bear the costs of heartbreaking medical disasters on their own.”

Sounds like fantasy land. And it is.

“Notwithstanding recent favorable developments,” the Medicare Trustees conceded in their report this year, “current-law projections indicate that Medicare still faces a substantial financial shortfall that will need to be addressed with further legislation.” The report foresees that “the trust fund becomes depleted in 2029.”

Yikes, I still plan to be alive then. And how bad is the shortfall?

In actual dollar amounts, says Michael D. Tanner of the Cato Institute, “Medicare faces unfunded liabilities approaching $48 trillion. And, if we return to double digit health care inflation, we could see Medicare’s liabilities swell to more than $88 trillion.”

This is the government funded health insurance plan that ONLY provides coverage for seniors age 65 and over, those on Social Security Disability (after 2 years) and people who have end state renal disease. It doesn’t take too much common sense to see the financial train wreck coming down the pike if Medicare for all is the single payer system of choice.

And what about the doctors? They face, you guessed it, RED TAPE and sub par reimbursement (just like Obamacare except apparently worse).

Red tape is also a huge burden for medical providers who accept Medicare. “A random survey of 1,000 practices found physicians and staff spend 15.1 hours engaged in quality measure reporting each week, at a cost of more than $40,000 per year for each doctor,” according to FierceHealthCare.

Jumping through bureaucratic hurdles for the privilege of accepting substandard compensation isn’t as attractive as it might seem. That may be why a growing number of physicians refuse to see Medicare patients, others limit the number they’ll accept, and more balk all the time.

Sub par reimbursement also implies that under 65 private insurance is subsidizing the Medicare system. This could lead to upheaval if the system was implemented.

Under a single-payer system, options for medical providers may be more limited than they are now—there probably wouldn’t be any better-paying private insurers to take by preference to the government system. But there also wouldn’t be any private insurers to effectively subsidize Medicare patients. (emphasis added) In the case of a single-payer transition, doctors who find the terms of Medicare for All unacceptable may switch entirely to private-pay (if that’s still permitted), while some percentage will leave medicine entirely. Considering the potential for switching over to single-payer in The Atlantic, Olga Khazan predicts “Hospitals would shut down, and waits for major procedures would extend from a few weeks to several months.”

So expect pushback from doctors. Assuming it remains legal, I expect private pay to expand. It’s already happening with Direct Primary Care practices and the Surgery Center of Oklahoma. Also, if any form of single payer is implemented, it would not surprise me to see hospital/medical ships 13.8 miles off the coast, just outside United States territorial waters.

The article continues, discussing Medicaid for all as an alternative option. Medicaid is a State/Federal partnership and is varies from state to state. Reason goes on to state:

And, yes, Medicaid is rule-bound too, governed by most of the same red tape that ensnares Medicare.

Again, switching to Medicaid for All would limit providers’ choices. They could take the plan, switch to private pay (if allowed) or leave medicine. But if each patient seen represents an actual loss, few providers would have the ability, let alone incentive, to knuckle-under and accept the new order. (emphasis added) Many would be out of business—or politicians would be scrambling to find yet more money to make sure that the country maintained some sort of health care industry.

And in Colorado, there are very serious provider payment problems: This business owner billed Colorado thousands in Medicaid payments and received only $288. She isn’t the only one.  His the story on Jill Tullman’s speech therapy center…

Since March 1, the state has paid her just $288, despite that she bills from $8,000 to $12,000 per week for clients who have Medicaid government insurance. Tullman didn’t pay her last mortgage payment and borrowed money through her credit card so she could pay her staff.

And ever the opportunist, former State Treasurer, Cary Kennedy, who is running for Governor is proposing Medicaid for all. How timely. Democratic candidate for governor proposes Medicaid-for-all health care plan in Colorado

She’s right about one thing, a 27% increase announced for 2018, which the Division of Insurance and Connect for Health Colorado seem to be quite proud of, is “simply too much.”  But Medicaid-for-all is most definitely NOT the answer.

The only thing Medicaid for all would accomplish is to put Connect for Health Colorado out of it’s misery.

Posted in health insurance, medicaid, Medicare, single payer | Leave a comment


Hillary's excuse of the day, Hillary is stupid, Google is stupid, Google is stoopid

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