“Damn” was her audible response
I recently heard a surprising story: A female CEO was briefed on a stellar candidate for a top job at her company. “Sounds ideal,” she said to the group in the room. “Male or female?” Male was the answer. “Damn” was her audible response. The guy wasn’t even interviewed. Why Are Men SilentSearch BIS
Goolag T Shirt
Men On Strike
- “This has been the coldest season with the most ice since we started Arctic Watch in 2000. Almost no whales. The NWPassage is still blocked with ice. Some of the bays still have not melted!”
Richard weber, owner/operater Arctic Watch Generation Screwed
And rather than follow the conventional path of indebting yourself for 13-years so that you can attend university for four, and then fork over the bulk of your pay to the government, instead focus on learning tangible, valuable skills overseas.Government Cheese
Boulder County Fairness in Road Maintenance (FIRM) On November 5, 2013, residents and property owners of subdivisions in unincorporated Boulder County will go to the polls to vote on 5C. A group of your fellow citizens has banded together to provide you, our neighbors, with facts and information about why you should vote NO on this tax increase. To learn more, click on the button below.-
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Category Archives: legacy media
Trouble at “The Gray Lady”
NY Times Insider: Multi-Million Dollar Shortfall Causing Drastic Cuts | New York Observer. A soap opera with hints of gender bias thrown in… According to a source on the edit side familiar with Mr. Thompson’s thinking, taking away some of … Continue reading
Attkisson: CBS News too “ideologically entrenched” to air stories critical of the Obama administration
If only it was CBS just CBS – Attkisson: CBS News too “ideologically entrenched” to air stories critical of the Obama administration « Hot Air.
Posted in legacy media, media bias
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Who is Leland Yee?
Apparently you have no idea is CNN is your primary source of news. The media hate Republicans: Column. It’s almost as if “what’s news” is just a synonym for “what advances the narrative chosen by the Democratic Party.” The question … Continue reading
Glenn Reynolds asks: SO HOW COME WE’RE NOT HEARING FROM ALL THE LIBERAL WOMEN on the Bob Menendez prostitition scandal? and answers. added Feb 2nd. Michelle Malkin asks: Ladies Against Senator Sleaze-Bob: Where are you? Surely, Nancy Pelosi, Debbie Wasserman … Continue reading
Glenn Reynolds:”They never cover violence by lefties when they can avoid it, though they’re happy to report made-up claims of violence involving the right.”
He’s referring to the MSM for those of you from Boulder.
Posted in legacy media, msm, union thugs
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Benghazi news roundup Sara Hoyt guest blogging at Instapundit: WE MUST NOT EXPERIENCE BENGHAZI FATIGUE I’ll keep up my end of the bargain. I don’t believe the local paper will ever carry their weight on Benghazi.
Posted in Benghazi, legacy media
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News the Denver Post and the (Boulder) Daily Camera can use
Newspapers Increasingly Dump Obama For Romney Newspaper endorsements may not mean much these days, given their declining readership and influence. But they clearly show the disaffection many liberals have with Obama’s economic stewardship. And they are a good indicator of … Continue reading
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Now imagine if the administration was Republican.
Bradley Hartgraves letter to the editor in the Denver Post. (2nd letter at link). From the comments: goodspkr: I don’t like dealing with hypotheticals, so lets look at reality. The Valerie Plame incident wasn’t anything near what happened in Benghazi. … Continue reading
Posted in amateur hour, Benghazi, legacy media, media bais
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“If that’s how O’s going to play it, pleading ignorance to cover his own ass, okay, but then let’s some some people get fired. Tomorrow.”
Allahpundit: Obama ducks questions on why help wasn’t sent to Benghazi I’ve already done my voting. If you haven’t, take these acts of incompetence and lack of coverage by the MSM/legacy media into consideration before casting your vote for President … Continue reading
Posted in amateur hour, Benghazi, everything Obama, legacy media
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Of course they do…
As Romney Expands Battlefield Media Claims He Peaked Too Soon Listen, the CorruptMedia is known as the CorruptMedia for a reason — they’re liars and charlatans and hustlers all gaming The Narrative to boost whatever’s left of Obama’s chances. And … Continue reading
Posted in everything Obama, legacy media, politics, stoopid
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“Since he’s a Democrat, they’re doing their best to ignore it.”
Glenn Reynolds: If he were a Republican, this would lead the network news, complete with footage of reporters making illegal donations under fake names. Since he’s a Democrat, they’re doing their best to ignore it. Legacy media thinkg… ‘we must … Continue reading
Posted in everything Obama, legacy media, media bias
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CBS chose not to air that portion of the interview….
CBS Busts Obama–and Itself–in Benghazi Cover-Up Obama’s remarks pointed towards a premeditated attack, in contrast to the story the White House went on to tell for weeks. CBS chose not to air that portion of the interview with President Obama–not … Continue reading
Posted in Benghazi, legacy media, media bais
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“But for a campaign that is very sophisticated in its fund-raising capabilities, they do not make one effort to try to even see or ask somebody to check a box that says they are a US citizen.”
Obama campaign accepted foreign Web donation — and may be hiding more The Obama re-election campaign has accepted at least one foreign donation in violation of the law — and does nothing to check on the provenance of millions of … Continue reading
Posted in legacy media, media bias
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Sarah Hoyt: Conservatives must not under any circumstances cede the moral high ground to the media that buried terror against our embassies and on 9/11 at that and which refuses to show any curiosity about Fast and Furious. What Sarah … Continue reading
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“ABC News hired and elevated Stephanopoulos to do exactly what he did last night — and like a good little flak, Georgie-boy once again sacrificed whatever’s left of his reputation and credibility to the pagan god of The State.”
Breitbart: Stephanopoulos Embarrasses Himself: ‘Does a tie go to the challenger?’ The post title pretty much sums it up.
President Obama Skips Intel. Briefing One Day After Embassy Attacks, Media Largely Silent on the Issue
Which one is less of a surprise? Both Presdent Obama and the legacy media are so underwhelming. No wonder they get along so well.
Gasoline Prices More than Double Under Obama: $1.84 to $3.85
Stoopid question: Why haven’t we heard this over and over from the legacy media?
Posted in legacy media, media bias, shills for Obama
Didn’t imagine I’d be reposting this picture so soon…
Posted in legacy media, media bias
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Cartoonist Michael Ramirez unloads about media bias
Journalists, man up (or women up as the case may be) and read it. Ramirez asks a simple question… Where is the real news? Since the recovery began in June 2009, real median household income has fallen 4.8%, according to … Continue reading
Posted in Boulder is stoopid, legacy media, media bias, msm
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Sure don’t hear much about gas prices
It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Glenn Reynolds notes: See, if you want media scrutiny of the regime, you need to elect a Republican president. It’s as simple as that. Ya think? Media bias, say it ain’t … Continue reading
Posted in energy, legacy media, media bias
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