Gasoline Prices More than Double Under Obama: $1.84 to $3.85

Stoopid question: Why haven’t we heard this over and over from the legacy media?

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2 Responses to Gasoline Prices More than Double Under Obama: $1.84 to $3.85

  1. Anonymous says:

    Econ 101: when demand drops, so do prices. See for historical prices, nationwide average in June 2008 was over $4.00/gal.

  2. ChrisA says:

    You're trying to tell me it's not a vast conspiracy by the Republican party or right wing radicals? Or heck, even a conspiracy by the left wing to make alternative energy more affordable!??

    Supply and Demand!??? Say it ain't so.

    Seems like we do have these issues:

    1. Potential Iran war premium

    2. If the economy improves, it will be constrained by the rising gas prices created by the rising demand.

    That said, I don't see too much sign of the economy improving.

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