“Damn” was her audible response
I recently heard a surprising story: A female CEO was briefed on a stellar candidate for a top job at her company. “Sounds ideal,” she said to the group in the room. “Male or female?” Male was the answer. “Damn” was her audible response. The guy wasn’t even interviewed. Why Are Men SilentSearch BIS
Goolag T Shirt
Men On Strike
- “This has been the coldest season with the most ice since we started Arctic Watch in 2000. Almost no whales. The NWPassage is still blocked with ice. Some of the bays still have not melted!”
Richard weber, owner/operater Arctic Watch Generation Screwed
And rather than follow the conventional path of indebting yourself for 13-years so that you can attend university for four, and then fork over the bulk of your pay to the government, instead focus on learning tangible, valuable skills overseas.Government Cheese
Boulder County Fairness in Road Maintenance (FIRM) On November 5, 2013, residents and property owners of subdivisions in unincorporated Boulder County will go to the polls to vote on 5C. A group of your fellow citizens has banded together to provide you, our neighbors, with facts and information about why you should vote NO on this tax increase. To learn more, click on the button below.-
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Category Archives: healthcare reform
Where VA has taken veterans, Obamacare is leading all Americans
Where VA has taken veterans, Obamacare is leading all Americans: Kevin O’Brien | cleveland.com. Another conclusion is probably just dawning on those Americans with the wit to see it, because so very few of us have had a brush with … Continue reading
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Tagged NHS, Obamacare, single payer, Veterans Administration
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Is Medicaid really such a good thing?
Zane Pollard: The Bureaucrat Sitting on Your Doctor’s Shoulder – WSJ.com. Had I accepted Medicaid’s protocol and only obtained a scan of the chest, that child might not be alive today. Is that battle with government bureaucracy one that you … Continue reading
The Great Medicaid Swindle
The Great Medicaid Swindle – The Daily Beast. Far from being cretins who hate the poor and the uninsured, the states that have thus far refused to expand Medicaid are declining to increase the number of people trapped in a … Continue reading
$2500 per insured
ObamaCare Overhead: $2,500 Per Newly Insured Enrollee – Investors.com. Add it all up, and ObamaCare’s startup cost is at least $6.7 billion. Even if every one of the 8 million enrollees pays their premiums all year, the cost is more … Continue reading
Single payer preview
Veterans Affairs puts 3 on leave; Congress threatens subpoena over destruction of secret wait list | WashingtonExaminer.com. So you believe the government will treat you better than they have treated our veterans? You must be from Boulder.
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A Doctor’s Declaration of Independence
Daniel F. Craviotto: A Doctor’s Declaration of Independence – WSJ.com. Common sense, a rare commodity. Regarding “Big Data”: Across the country, doctors waste precious time filling in unnecessary electronic-record fields just to satisfy a regulatory measure. I personally spend two … Continue reading
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Enroll America/HHS Shakedown Street
GAO report: White House directly involved in Enroll America fundraising « Hot Air. It’s worth noting at this point that HHS regulates these markets in significant ways, especially after the passage of ObamaCare. This wasn’t just a case of working … Continue reading
Medicare for all
The preferred Boulder Single Payer solution. You’re on the clock: Doctors rush patients out the door. These days, stories like Eisenstodt’s are increasingly common. Patients — and physicians — say they feel the time crunch as never before as doctors … Continue reading
Single payer all the way
OR NOT! – Vermonts Single-Payer Dream Is Taxpayer Nightmare – Bloomberg View. The cost, an optimistically estimated $1.7 billion. Keep in mind that the state’s present tax collection totals $2.7 billion. Megan McArdle concludes… So this is going to be … Continue reading
Obamacare: Job Killer
The staggering costs of Obamacare | Power Line. Staffing decisions will, of course, be among the “implications.” If the estimates contained in the AHPI study are even close to accurate, Obamacare will likely prove to be a significant job-killer. Nothing … Continue reading
Typical Boulder/Obamacare misinformation
Doug Pryce: Obamacare benefits far outweigh problems – Boulder Daily Camera. I responded to Mr. Pryce in the comments as “rideinthedark”. Here is my response… “Imagine that you’re struck with a chronic illness, one that you’ll have to live with … Continue reading
Is Obamacare signing up the uninsured?
Is Obamacare signing up the uninsured? Its a tough call. Critics have suggested most of them had insurance before, but had to buy new plans because their old ones were not compliant with the new law. The Obama administration has … Continue reading
The Lie of the Year: He said it over and over and over ….
The Obama Switch – YouTube.
Teenage model dies from cervical cancer after doctors refused to give her a smear test because she was too young | Mail Online
Teenage model dies from cervical cancer after doctors refused to give her a smear test because she was too young | Mail Online. While the disease is the most common cancer in women under 35, it is so rare in … Continue reading
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ObamaCare: An Unworkable Law
ObamaCare: The impossible enforcement of an unworkable law | Fox News. Remember the Government shutdown? To be clear, if any Republican tried to force these changes on ObamaCare – changes that go far beyond the changes Republicans tried to force … Continue reading
Obamacare Promises: Then vs. Now
Obamacare Promises: Then vs. Now – YouTube.
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Obamacare cuts home healthcare for millions of seniors
WEBER: Obamacare cuts home healthcare for millions of seniors – Washington Times. On Jan. 1, Medicare’s home health care services, formerly serving 3.5 million elderly beneficiaries across the country, were cut under Obamacare. The cut deleted exactly 14 percent, or … Continue reading
$1.2 Billion: The Cost of Obamacare’s Failed State Exchanges
Obamacare’s Failed State Exchanges – Reason.com. That would include: Oregon ($303 million) Maryland ($157.2 million) Massachusetts ($135.6 million) Vermont ($153.7 million) Nevada ($83.7 million) Hawaii ($205 million) That’s 50% of the state exchanges and $1.2 billion invested in the these … Continue reading
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Another day, another Obamacare disaster
The Insiders: Another day, another Obamacare disaster. We’re talking about the 11 million American works that will have a higher health insurance premiums thanks to Obamacare. If you’ve been paying attention this is not news to you. However, it’s very … Continue reading
Young invincibles: Get ready to pay your penalty
Be careful out there – Americans for Tax Reform : IRS Warns: Obamacare Tax Must Be Paid with Tax Return.