Another day, another Obamacare disaster

The Insiders: Another day, another Obamacare disaster.

We’re talking about the 11 million American works that will have a higher health insurance premiums thanks to Obamacare.

If you’ve been paying attention this is not news to you. However, it’s very likely this IS news to you. Here’s why…

On its face, the fact that the CMS says 11 million workers will see their health-insurance premiums increase should be a banner headline. But in the Obamacare narrative, disclosures like this have pretty much become routine. And that’s what the White House wants the media to think – that there’s no more juice in reporting another Obamacare lie or providing details about how this law is coming apart, undermining health care, killing jobs, decreasing American household income, leaving the uninsured uninsured, etc.

When challenged on the negative impacts of Obamacare, the White House Obamacare media strategy appears to be either to just deny the accuracy of obvious facts or to shrug and assure the compliant media that there is nothing new here. They are counting on the media watchdogs becoming bored with the Obamacare debacle.

And the compliant media will continue to play its part.

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