“Damn” was her audible response
I recently heard a surprising story: A female CEO was briefed on a stellar candidate for a top job at her company. “Sounds ideal,” she said to the group in the room. “Male or female?” Male was the answer. “Damn” was her audible response. The guy wasn’t even interviewed. Why Are Men SilentSearch BIS
Goolag T Shirt
Men On Strike
- “This has been the coldest season with the most ice since we started Arctic Watch in 2000. Almost no whales. The NWPassage is still blocked with ice. Some of the bays still have not melted!”
Richard weber, owner/operater Arctic Watch Generation Screwed
And rather than follow the conventional path of indebting yourself for 13-years so that you can attend university for four, and then fork over the bulk of your pay to the government, instead focus on learning tangible, valuable skills overseas.Government Cheese
Boulder County Fairness in Road Maintenance (FIRM) On November 5, 2013, residents and property owners of subdivisions in unincorporated Boulder County will go to the polls to vote on 5C. A group of your fellow citizens has banded together to provide you, our neighbors, with facts and information about why you should vote NO on this tax increase. To learn more, click on the button below.-
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Category Archives: Benghazi
Trey Gowdy takes down the MSM
Do you know…
“Obviously he has something to hide, or he wouldn’t have hidden it for 20 months”
comments Glenn Reynolds – Instapundit » Blog Archive » MARC THIESSEN IN THE WASHINGTON POST: Where was Obama during Benghazi? Ask the White House diarist….. I’d say there a lot of politicians and high ranking members of the Obama administration who have something to hide. … Continue reading
Benghazi and anti islam move: Indefensible
Nothing to see here, move along. Testimony gives more evidence administration’s Benghazi claims were ‘indefensible,’ rep says | Fox News. “It’s indefensible what was said back on September 11, 12, and 13 in 2012, and what the facts really were,” … Continue reading
Peeling the Benghazi Coverup Onion: Marine colonel sought in Benghazi investigation not yet retired
Despite Pentagon claims, Marine colonel sought in Benghazi investigation not yet retired | Marine Corps Times | marinecorpstimes.com. Defense Department officials have told members of Congress that Bristol cannot be forced to testify because he retired after stepping down during … Continue reading
Benghazi Coverup: Something Stinks
Congressman Frank Wolf: Benghazi Survivors Forced to Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements. “According to trusted sources that have contacted my office, many if not all of the survivors of the Benghazi attacks along with others at the Department of Defense, the CIA … Continue reading
Benghazi: Truth starting to escape
The DiploMad 2.0: The Battle of Benghazi: Still not Getting to the Core of the Issue. I watched the Benghazi hearings. I heard nothing unusual said except that this time it was the truth, albeit the “truth” with a small … Continue reading
Benghazi: Jay Carney amateur hour
Worst Performance Ever By a White House Press Secretary | Power Line. John Hinderaker reaches the following conclusions regarding Jay Carney’s amateur hour performance: Carney, apart from the fact that he looks like a teenager who has been summoned to … Continue reading
The Monsters Are Due on Benghazi Avenue
The PJ Tatler » The Monsters Are Due on Benghazi Avenue. But now that we know, from the acting ambassador to Libya himself, that the Benghazi attack was not precipitated by a movie — but the Obama administration from the … Continue reading
Sharyl Attkisson: Anonymous CBS critics aided by Politico
Anonymous CBS Sources Smear Sharyl Attkisson. Reported by Politico reporter Dylan Byers using anonymous CBS reporters. John Nolte at Breitbart asks… The unsubstantiated claim that Attkisson is “wading dangerously close to advocacy” is a very serious charge to make against … Continue reading
CBS News Bosses Irked by Correspondent’s Thorough Benghazi Reporting
Unbelieveable: Report: CBS News Bosses Irked by Correspondent’s Thorough Benghazi Reporting – Guy Benson. The biggest Benghazi-related story that took place outside of the House Oversight Committee’s hearing room today is this item in Politico, regarding CBS News correspondent Sharyl … Continue reading
Posted in Benghazi
Tagged Benghazi, legacy media, media bias, you can't make this stuff up
Twitter / SharylAttkisson: CBS News has learned that …
…unknow whistle blowers are talking. Twitter / SharylAttkisson: CBS News has learned that …. It is about time.
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The Government is here to help….
Forgotten by FEMA: Staten Island’s Sandy victims vent over lack of aid “FEMA packed up everything yesterday and left the area,” said MaryLou Wong, whose home in the Midland Beach neighborhood was destroyed. “They haven’t come back.” Punch-drunk residents’ ire … Continue reading
Posted in Benghazi, ObamaCare, politics, stoopid government
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Sarah Hoyt has political signs in her yard for the first time and also notes the interesting disappearance of her neighbor’s Obama signage: OTOH my very liberal neighbor who always has signs, took her Obama sign (up before the primaries) … Continue reading
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Benghazi news roundup Sara Hoyt guest blogging at Instapundit: WE MUST NOT EXPERIENCE BENGHAZI FATIGUE I’ll keep up my end of the bargain. I don’t believe the local paper will ever carry their weight on Benghazi.
Posted in Benghazi, legacy media
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Now imagine if the administration was Republican.
Bradley Hartgraves letter to the editor in the Denver Post. (2nd letter at link). From the comments: goodspkr: I don’t like dealing with hypotheticals, so lets look at reality. The Valerie Plame incident wasn’t anything near what happened in Benghazi. … Continue reading
Posted in amateur hour, Benghazi, legacy media, media bais
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Britt Hume: News media has ‘not done their job’ on Libya story
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John McCain: “It is now the worst cover-up or incompetence I have ever observed in my life,”
Slate: McCain Suggests Response To Benghazi Attack Was Worse Than Watergate
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“If that’s how O’s going to play it, pleading ignorance to cover his own ass, okay, but then let’s some some people get fired. Tomorrow.”
Allahpundit: Obama ducks questions on why help wasn’t sent to Benghazi I’ve already done my voting. If you haven’t, take these acts of incompetence and lack of coverage by the MSM/legacy media into consideration before casting your vote for President … Continue reading
Posted in amateur hour, Benghazi, everything Obama, legacy media
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Diplomad: “Don’t Go Rescue Them” That “No” had to come from the Commander-in-Chief.
Posted in Benghazi, everything Obama
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CBS chose not to air that portion of the interview….
CBS Busts Obama–and Itself–in Benghazi Cover-Up Obama’s remarks pointed towards a premeditated attack, in contrast to the story the White House went on to tell for weeks. CBS chose not to air that portion of the interview with President Obama–not … Continue reading
Posted in Benghazi, legacy media, media bais
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