Rules are for you and me, not the elite – De Blasio Aide Arrested With Unmarked Gun | The Daily Caller

A high-level deputy in New York Mayor Bill de Blasio’s Office of Criminal Justice was arrested Saturday evening for being in a car with a loaded 9mm handgun that had its serial number scratched off.

Reagan Stevens, 42, was with two men in a dark red Infiniti SUV when police caught up with them in Queens, where they found the loaded gun inside the glove compartment, the New York Post reports.

Police were searching for the car in connection to an alleged shooting — surveillance footage from nearby shows several shots fired from the SUV, sources told the Post.

None of the three in the car admitted to owning the gun, so the authorities charged each of the three with two counts of criminal possession of a weapon. The driver, 25-year-old Caesar Forbes and Montel Hughes, 24, who sat in the front seat, were also charged with carrying knives.

Don’t you get it, the elites who write and influence the rules the rank and file must follow, they live under a different set of rules. This will continue until we stop it.

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