Jeff Sessions dumber than a box of rocks, part II – Jeff Sessions to Pain Sufferers: Take Two Aspirin and Stop Whining | Trending

I was on opioids for about 18 months, off and on, and I knew all the horror stories about addiction. A guy starts taking painkillers for an injury, and then he can’t stop even after he heals up. Happens all the time. I worried about it happening to me, and I’m glad it didn’t. I hated the way I felt while taking that stuff — woozy, feverish, clammy, unable to concentrate — but I wouldn’t have been able to endure that ordeal without it. As bad as it was, without that relief from the unrelenting anguish, it would’ve been a thousand times worse.

Pain isn’t something you can explain to other people. Before my accident, I had heard and read countless stories about people recovering from painful injuries, and I thought I knew what it was like. I had no idea until it happened to me. That feeling of helplessness, wondering how you’re going to get through the next five minutes. Feeling trapped inside a body that does nothing but hurt. Just wanting some relief. You can’t think about the past or the future. You’re trapped in an endless, agonizing now. It does things to your mind and your soul, and in some ways I’m still dealing with it.

That which didn’t kill me did make me stronger in some ways. But in other ways, not so much.

And there are a lot of people out there who are worse off than I ever was. They need more than just aspirin. They’re not trying to get high. They’re not trying to pull one over on anybody. They just want their existence to be a bit less hellish.

Read the whole thing. No, really.

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