We’re talking Communism – Nothing to Celebrate | City Journal

But someone needs to talk with the baby boomers…

A recent YouGov survey found that 19 percent of millennials hold favorable views of Communism, compared with only 4 percent of baby boomers. (emphasis added) In its “Red Century” series, the New York Times celebrates Communism’s supposed progressive virtues. “For all its flaws,” said one writer, “the Communist revolution taught Chinese women to dream big.”

There’s the death toll thing…

One of Communism’s “flaws” is its death toll, which runs in the tens of millions. Political persecutions like those of Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union are well known. But many have forgotten the deaths, intended and unintended, from mass starvation. During the twentieth century, approximately 70 million people perished from famine. That most famine deaths happened in Communist regimes is no accident: centrally planned food-procurement systems often fail, leading to food shortages and privation.

Author Pierre Yared concludes…

Anyone celebrating Communism on its hundredth anniversary should be honest about its deadly track record, rooted in a set of failed ideas—such as abandoning free markets and relying on government bureaucrats to distribute resources, thus making entire societies vulnerable to the effects of even small human errors. Between 1959 and 1961, those errors cost 30 million Chinese lives.

There’s a lot more, so follow the link and educate yourself.

And we are experiencing the failure of the Socialism experiment right before our eyes in Venezuela. Below are some links for your continued education:

h/t to Instapundit for the above links.

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