Oh Canada. Single payer is sooo great! There’s a private clinic, would you like to pay?

Stunning so it must not be true. Since it doesn’t fit the narrative and PJ media certainly “leans right” I’m sure they cherry picked the waiting times and bad results. In fact, in the comments one Canadian citizen has a completely different view…

This video is SOO misleading!! This is not Canadian Healthcare, coming from someone who has had 6 major surgeries in the past 4 years (two reconstructing ACL, Meckel’s Diverticulitum, and couple other surgeries). FIRST clinics are open weekends, they are open 9am – 9pm 7 days a week, in my neighbourhood alone there is 3 medi-clinics within a 2 km radius (not embellishing). You don’t talk to a nurse at all in medi-clinics, its straight to the walk-in doctors. Every medi-clinic has a pharmacy attached. I can literally walk into a media-clinic, talk to the doctor within 20 mins, depending on time of day, and get prescribed the necessary drugs and be out within an hour. Longest I’ve ever waited was close to 2 hours, but we had a pretty big flu epidemic in my city, so the place was packed. You only go to the hospital for major injuries, and yes you may get bumped down if its non life-threatening. If your in a lot of pain, you don’t wait. If you could die, you don’t wait. Now if i was a poor american, i would be buried in health care bills.

I didn’t see any other experiences from other Canadians in the You Tube comments. Certainly it’s not hard to believe that the quality of care can vary significantly from region to region throughout Canada. The VA system in the US is a good analogy.

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