Lois Lerner sounds like a brainwashed Boulderite

‘Nonpartisan’! Lois Lerner email bemoans right-wing ‘crazies,’ ‘assholes’ [photo] | Twitchy.

So we don’t need to worry about alien teRrorists. it’s our own crazies that will take us down.

Lois G Lerner


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2 Responses to Lois Lerner sounds like a brainwashed Boulderite

  1. Mark Miller says:

    This is reminding me of the recurring scandal of government employees watching porn over the internet while on the job. Of course, this should imply that we have too many government employees. They’re getting bored on the job, or they’re being ill-supervised, and so they get the idea they have time for this BS.

  2. ChrisA says:

    Mark, did you have any issue posting your comment? I added a new plug-in that has drastically reduced spam comments but want to make sure it doesn’t present you (or any other legitimate commenters, with any issues).

    Watching porn on the internet at work boggles my mind. Somewhere in the blog I posted my “one and done” philosophy. Of course, I’m sure all the porn watchers have to say is that “I’m addicted” and the employer would be unable to terminate them.

    Also, don’t these idiots realize someone is “watching them”, perhaps not real time but there are records. Oh, that’s probably only private industry. In the government… well it’s a different story.

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