Obama turnout machine fails

Obama Turnout Machine Crashes in San Diego—Loses Mayors Race by Nine Points | National Review Online.

But in the end the vaunted Obama election model — flood the zone with negative attack ads and excite the base of the Democratic party — flopped. Faulkoner defeated fellow City Council member David Alvarez by nine points in a city that Barack Obama carried by 63 percent to 37 percent only 15 months ago.

Gotta love it. A lesson about money in politics. It’s NOT all about the money, as hard as that may be for Progressives to believe…

Democrats were stunned at the margin. In the November open primary, Democrats had won 54 percent of the ballots cast and were convinced they could win the runoff between Faulkoner and Alvarez. Unions pitched in a record $4.2 million to promote Alvarez, compared to only $1.7 million from business interests backing Faulkoner. In the end, Alvarez outspent Faulkoner in total by a million dollars. (emphasis added)

What kind of politician was the winner, aside from a neaderthal Republican (I’m throwing you a bone Boulderites)?

Certainly there was a clear contrast between the candidates. Alvarez was touted as the great progressive hope who in the words of the San Diego Union Tribune “supports raising the minimum wage, increasing developer fees for affordable housing projects and asking voters to approve the sale of bonds to fund infrastructure projects.” Faulconer was opposed to all of the above and also supported “putting certain city services up for competitive bid with the private sector [and] replacing pensions with 401(k)-style plans for most new city hires.”

Wow, sounds like a politician that Boulder could use. The guy sounds like a grown up.

Meanwhile, in the 24 square miles surrounded by reality, the City Council is trying to figure out what to do with all the transients/homeless people they have attracted. Apparently all of their social services have attracked the “wrong kind”.

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