Obamacare Contractor Blamed for Slow Medicare Payments to Hospitals

Obamacare Contractor Blamed for Slow Medicare Payments to Hospitals | The Weekly Standard. Hey, that Medicare for all sounds like a great idea doesn’t it?

I sure hope this contractor isn’t involved with paying the subsidies to the insurance companies. Come to think of it, the insurance companies must be trembling in their boots. Not only do they have adverse selection to deal with… what confidence can they possibly have that Uncle Sam will actually pay the subsidized portion of the premium?

Obamacare is a Central Planning failure. From people who may or may not be insured to the government (or government contractor) actually paying the subsidized premiums to the insurance companies. There will be massive failure at every step.

Let me help you out Boulderites…

Obamacare is a Slow Motion Train Wreck. Better start practicing up on blaming the Republican’s as you’re sure going to need it. The general public, outside the 24 square miles surrounded by reality, is really really tired of the same old stories and excuses.

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