Sounds like something that could happen in Boulder

Orders for mistletoe pour in after Oregon girl told she can’t sell them, but can beg for money at city park | Fox News.

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1 Response to Sounds like something that could happen in Boulder

  1. Mark Miller says:

    Well, yeah. Go to the Pearl St. Mall and try the same thing. You’ll get the same result she got. I kind of thought this was a bit of a big to do about nothing. A police officer said something s/he shouldn’t have to a little girl, and now she’s going around blabbing about it, as if it’s city policy. I like the message she’s spreading, though, because I think it applies to our country writ large, but I think there’s a good reason for permits on public property. Since not everyone can use a public space at the same time it makes sense for the city to use permits to allow everyone to share the public space, so that everyone who wants to use it for something like this gets their turn. This really came home to me when Occupy Boulder tried to camp out in front of the Municipal Building for months on end. They *did* camp there for a few months, but eventually the city let them know they had to go, and they left. I just wish the city had done it sooner.

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