
 The 51st state measure is about the deadliest, dull thing around, all bluster and “message” with no bite.

States Erika Stutzman of the Boulder Daily Camera –  Coloradans, united: 51st state idea a divisive waste of time – Boulder Daily Camera.

Which leads my small brain to ask the following questions:

  1.  Why you are wasting valuable column inches on it?
  2. Perhaps Erika, you’re worried where there’s smoke there’s fire?

If not #2, then certainly there’s something more important for you to pontificate about?

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1 Response to Weldistan

  1. Mark Miller says:

    The Left, which invented pragmatism, believes in action to solve problems and to right wrongs (or promote “justice”). This business about “rights” is abstract and beside the point, unless, of course, conservatives attempt to get in the way of pragmatism. Then “rights” is all the Left wants to talk about.

    I think the only reason the Left would be concerned about this secessionist movement, just as it’s concerned about ALEC, is they don’t want to ignore it and possibly allow it to grow. It will only get in the way of what they want to do, no matter how small it is. They believe they can only achieve their ends if they have unquestioning allegiance to their goals. Dissent is not tolerated. It’s like how they treat Fox News. It’s only one network. They have everything else. Yet they still harp on it like it’s a dominant force they have to rebel against.

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