After Cruz Has Said His Piece . . .

After Cruz Has Said His Piece . . . –

Unlike Troy and many others, I think that there is a point to Ted Cruz’ grandstanding and to what the House Republicans did when they sent up a budget that does not include funding for Obamacare. Obamacare is about to go into effect; and, as one Democratic Senator acknowledged not all that long ago, it really is going to be a train-wreck.

Corporations are going to drop their healthcare coverage. Insurance costs are going to soar. People who are working full-time will soon discover that they have part-time jobs. This has already begun, and the unions are screaming bloody murder. The Longshoreman have walked out of the AFL-CIO. All hell is going to break loose.

What the hearties in the House are doing — and what Ted Cruz is doing — is signaling to the discontented that there really is another way. They can vote Republican in 2014; and, if they do so big time, there will be a correction of course.

Bring it on!

The leadership of the Republican Party hates this. Like Jeb Bush in early 2009, they want “to get beyond Reagan.” They want to surrender on immigration; they have designed a Republican healthcare bill that is little more than Romneycare writ large; and they desperately want to make nice with the Democrats. They do not really want a change of course. They merely want to take their turn as managers of the administrative entitlements state. They want to take advantage of discontent without having to commit themselves to a reduction in the size and scope of the government.

Hello Republican “leadership”, lets take a stroll over to the Gallup Poll which asks the following question:

Do you think the federal government today — [ROTATED: has too much power, has about the right amount of power, or has too little power]?

And the answer is:


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2 Responses to After Cruz Has Said His Piece . . .

  1. Mark Miller says:

    One problem with the Ricochet article is that the Longshoremen left the AFL-CIO because the AFL-CIO “settled” for Obamacare. The Longshoremen are even more radical. They want single-payer!

  2. ChrisA says:

    Single payer is coming. I don’t see now it’s avoided once Obamacare becomes part of our health care system.

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