Obamacare Subsidies Amateur Hour

Obamacare Subsidies Doled Out Using ‘Honor System’; Billions in Fraud Feared.

Obamacare’s delayed implementation of the employer mandate means health insurance exchanges and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will be unable to determine whether individuals are eligible for taxpayer-funded subsidies and will instead now rely on the honor system. Experts say the shift could result in billions of dollars in waste, fraud, and abuse.

Ain’t no way to run a health care system.

Forbes writer Avik Roy says the reason for the Obama Administration’s decision to move forward with the new scheme is clear.

“The goal here is plain as day,” writes Roy. “The Obama administration is laser-focused on making sure that enough Americans enroll onto Obamacare-subsidized health insurance platforms, because if they do, it will be politically impossible for Republicans to repeal Obamacare in the future.”

Roy added: “Deliberately encouraging tens of billions of dollars of waste, fraud, and abuse in order to achieve a political objective is profoundly immoral.”

National Review’s Yuval Levin says the Obama Administration “seems to be operating under the assumption that the way to secure Obamacare’s future is to get as many people as possible into the system and receiving subsidies,” despite the “increase cost of the exchange subsidies.”

No cost too high.

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