Male Suicide: Where’s the Outcry?

Male Suicide: Where’s the Outcry? | Via Meadia.

Unemployed men are 126 percent more likely to kill themselves than their employed counterparts. And as we’ve written before, unemployed men are generally unappealing candidates for marriage, hurting their romantic prospects and increasing their sense of alienation. Unmarried men are a whopping 240 percent more likely to take their own lives than married men.

Perhaps most shocking about this story is the relative silence with which it has been met. If women were taking their lives in record numbers, largely due to their inability to find employment or husbands, you could bet that federal tribunals, support groups, and cries for policy change would abound. But thousands of men take their own life, lost in the shadows, and much of the press seem content to let the stories remain there. (emphasis added)

The fact of the matter is it’s a male, and “nobody” really cares. Men, nobody is gonna give a damn about you until you give a damn about yourselves and demand attention.

Dr. Helen comments in her column: “One way of taking back one’s own masculinity, they suggest, is to take one’s own life.”

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