Inchoate Rage

Inchoate Rage | Zero Hedge.

To talk about something as being “inchoate” means that it is still in its formative stages and is undeveloped. If rage is “inchoate”, it does not yet have a specific cause or those who feel the rage are not sure of the nature of what is causing the emotion. Like their compatriots all over the world, Americans know that what is coming out of their politicians and “financiers” is a load of malevolent hogwash, but they cannot put their finger on precisely why this is so. Many suspect the truth but do not want to face it because of what it implies about their own actions as well as the actions of their rulers.

If you’re a “lover” of big government being the solution to our ills you should stop reading now…

The US government claims that the “economy” is recovering. The American people know it is not. The US government claims that unemployment is going down and prices are not going up. The American people know that both are going up. The US government claim that the “extraordinary” financial measures are specifically intended to safeguard the prosperity of the people. Americans know that their prosperity has evaporated and that the government is making it as hard as they possibly can for the people to regain it.

A growing number of Americans (and people right around the world) know all these things. They know that in reality, the government is living on their backs. But their rage remains “inchoate” because they have not yet faced the fact that the “entitlements” they refuse to surrender is what is keeping them in bondage. It is true that Americans are confused and that many if not most of them are angry. Until they face the ROOT of their problems, they are destined to stay that way.

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