Gun law results in exodus of gun related companies


via Conservative Read:

Magpul is a relatively new company founded in 1999.  Today they employ 600  people and generate close to $100 million in sales.  Their primary business  is the manufacture of 30 round clips and other accessories for assault and  assault-style weapons, most of which is purchased by the US military.

HiViz Shooting Systems (Fort Collins)

via Bluegrass Pundit:

HiViz Shooting Systems (a division of North Pass Ltd.), announces plans to  relocate operations out of the state of Colorado due to recent changes  in Colorado state gun control legislation. HiViz President and CEO,  Phillip Howe, states that talks are currently under way with officials  of a neighboring state regarding the move.

More at the Denver Business Journal.


Outdoor Channel

Letter to Senator Steve King

The message we will take to our viewers and listeners is that these proposed laws are so dangerous to hunters and any other person, be she a fisherman or a skier who brings a handgun into the state for self-defense, that we cannot recommend hunting, fishing or visiting Colorado. We reach millions of people, and, quite frankly, we have a credibility that Colorado government officials can no longer match. Colorado Division of Wildlife is already running ads trying to bring more out-of-state hunters to Colorado…in light of the flood of negative publicity about these proposed laws, I can assure you those ads will fail.

We estimate that as many as one-quarter to one-third of out-of-state hunters will desert Colorado in the next 18-24 months, which will quite frankly be a disaster for the hunting industry in Colorado and have a devastating effect on our western and northern communities (certainly like Grand Junction).

This is not a “boycott” in the traditional sense of a centralized, organized operation; rather, it is more of a grassroots decision on where shooters, hunters and other sportsmen are willing to spend their money. Look at the collapse of the Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show in February. That venerable multimillion dollar trade show chose to ban modern sporting rifles and standard capacity magazines, and with three weeks it collapsed as all vendors and sponsors pulled out.

Colorado is going to pay a huge price for laws that will do nothing.

I hope the Democrats enjoy the “feel good” moment. The hangover may be much larger than they suspect.

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