Sequester: Did CNN changed their name to FOX news?

CNN: If Sequestration Is So Horrible, Why Did WH Propose It?

WOLF BLITZER, CNN HOST: Gloria, explain why if this is such a horrible idea, these forced spending cuts, why did the White House come up with this plan in 2011 to begin with?
GLORIA BORGER: If you noticed, Wolf, the President kept calling this a “manufactured crisis.” Well, in fact, it was manufactured right here in Washington by the President of the United States and voted for, 174 House Republicans voted for these forced spending cuts so it would force them to do their jobs. So, now we’re in this crazy situation in Washington where publicly people are protesting, politicians saying, “we can’t do this,” but privately, there are liberal Democrats who say, “You know what? This wouldn’t be such a bad thing, we could cut defense.” And there are conservative Republicans  who are saying, “You know what? Five percent across the board in domestic spending, not such a bad idea.”

You can’t make this stuff up.

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