Affordable Care Act Score: Breast 44, Prostate 0

Ann Althouse: via Christine Hoff Summers…  “The Affordable Care Act mentions ‘breast’ 44 times, ‘prostate’ not once.”

Ann speculates on 5 reasons this may be the case. Here is reason #4, follow the link for the others:

 Women actually need and deserve more care. Men are expendable. There is a shared social interest in preserving the women for reproductive purposes, for the maintenance of stable households, for the nurturing of children, and for looking after the elderly.

Men, it’s at least time to start paying attention. From the original article:

The average lifespan of American men is five years shorter than women’s, and men contract the big diseases several years earlier. According to the American Cancer Society, men’s lifetime risk of developing cancer is approximately 1 in 2; for women, it is 1 in 3. But the Act is informed by the spirit of NOW and other women’s organizations such as the American Association of University Women. It would never occur to these groups that the health and longevity of men are matters of interest to women. To them, relations between the sexes are a zero-sum game — and their role is to fight for women and against men.

Perhaps because the health and longeivty of men are NOT matters of interest to women?

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