About 20 percent of visitors to the “my.barackobama.com” social media website “originated from foreign locations,”

The Government Accountability Institute claims: About 20 percent of visitors to the “my.barackobama.com” social media website “originated from foreign locations,”

Note to liberals and Progressives, especially from Boulder: NOTHING TO SEE HERE, MOVE ALONG.

For the rest of us, this might be a concern:

President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign has been soliciting foreigners for donations, an explosive report from the conservative Government Accountability Institute (GAI) shows. Those foreign donors are allegedly visiting the Obama campaign’s donation solicitation Web pages through a social media website the campaign controls, and through an outside website that serves mostly Internet users from outside the United States.

About 20 percent of visitors to the “my.barackobama.com” social media website “originated from foreign locations,” the report found. That Web address is owned and controlled by the Obama re-election campaign.

“At no point during the [website’s] subscription process is a visitor asked whether he or she can legally donate to a U.S. election,” GAI notes.

“Once a visitor signs up, he or she immediately begins receiving solicitations for donations. In fact, numerous foreign nationals report receiving solicitation letters and thank you emails from the campaign for their support. Some of these emails have been reposted on blog sites to encourage friends to click on the donate link or get their names on the email list.”

THERE’S SO MUCH TO HIGHLIGHT HERE that I decided not to.

.. and there’s more, like that pesky 3 digit number on the back of your credit/debit card…

Obama for America does not require online credit card donors to input Card Verification Value data to confirm that a political donor is legally authorized to charge contributions to a given credit card. GAI said CVV data consists of “a three or four digit number generally imprinted on the back of the card” in order “to verify that the person executing the purchase physically possesses the card.” GAI notes that the Obama campaign’s failure to use such security measures in its online donation system likely costs it “millions of dollars in additional fees” because “card processors charge higher transaction fees for campaigns that fail to use the CVV.”


But it does require CVV data from credit card purchasers of hats, t-shirts and other campaign merchandise.

If you care about campaign corruption read the whole effing thing.

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