John Hinderaker: “My father, the least cynical of men, used to quote a political philosopher to the effect that democracy will work until people figure out they can vote themselves money. I fear that time may have come.”

I fear the time has come too. This paragraph, which the post title is the last few sentences truly does strike terror into my heart…

On paper, given Obama’s record, this election should be a cakewalk for the Republicans. Why isn’t it? I am afraid the answer may be that the country is closer to the point of no return than most of us believed. With over 100 million Americans receiving federal welfare benefits, millions more going on Social Security disability, and many millions on top of that living on entitlement programs–not to mention enormous numbers of public employees–we may have gotten to the point where the government economy is more important, in the short term, than the real economy. My father, the least cynical of men, used to quote a political philosopher to the effect that democracy will work until people figure out they can vote themselves money. I fear that time may have come.

Of course, many are apparently glad this time has come or perhaps their using their superior intellectual reasoning. If you believe that to be the case, I refer you to the subtitle of this blog.

John concludes…

…I am afraid the problem in this year’s race is economic self-interest: we are perilously close to the point where 50% of our population cares more about the money it gets (or expects to get) from government than about the well-being of the nation as a whole. Throw in a few confused students, pro-abortion fanatics, etc., and you have a Democratic majority.

To me the issue is when a person’s “economic self interest” means $$$’s from the government. This must be the reason I’m on the AARP’s do not call/contact/mail list.

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