Boulder County Road Survey

Talmey Drake called our house this evening regarding the road situation in Boulder County. They would not disclose, and supposedly the interviewer didn’t know, who commissioned the survey. After thinking about it, I’d say it has to be the Boulder County.

Basically the survey presented two road paving options:

Plan A: An election that imposes a tax that would be tax deductible by most citizens and has the lowest cost.

Plan B: Implemented by the County Commissioners as a non tax deductible fee and is more expensive.

They survey came back to Plan A more than once, especially towards the end. My conclusion is the County is trying to establish that Plan A would fail in the election thus they can implement Plan B by decree.

I find Boulder County to be an unreliable partner. I’d much rather completely privatize our roads then deal with the County in any way, shape or form.

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