In the 2008 Election President Obama best John McCain by 8 percentage points.

Was that called a close election? So why does the legacy media refer to Scott Walker’s victory as a “close” election?

Paul Mirengoff comments:

The headline in the print edition of today’s Washington Post reads: “Wisc. governor Walker survives recall election: long lines and a close vote.” To say that Walker survived is a way of putting it. And many of the lines apparently were long. But a close vote? I don’t think so.

According to the Post, Walker won by 8 points, 54 percent to 46 percent. In the final count, the margin appears to be 7 points.

That’s the margin by which President Obama defeated John McCain in 2008. Does anybody think that was a close election? Has the Washington Post ever described it that way?

I don’t think so.

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