John Hinderaker:”This is not only flagrantly irresponsible, it is a violation of federal law.”

We’re talking Harry Reid and the budget.

The content of Conrad’s budget is almost an afterthought, but it may be even worse than President Obama’s. It includes zero spending cuts from the existing baseline and increases taxes by $2.6 trillion, $700 billion more than Obama’s budget. Under Conrad’s budget, the federal debt (granting all assumptions underlying the calculations) would increase by $7 trillion.

Is that a plan that the American people want to follow? I don’t think so, but Harry Reid’s latest maneuvering ensures that no Democratic Senator will have to vote on a budget before the election in November, and no Democrat will have to take responsibility for those unpalatable numbers other than Senator Conrad himself. The Democrats’ feckless inability to face fiscal reality, as manifested in the Senate’s failure to adopt a budget for three years and counting, is the clearest evidence of that party’s unfitness to lead the nation.

Good grief, if a Republican controlled Senate hadn’t produced a budget, our friendly progressives that run the Daily Camera editorial page would be mentioning that in the “snarky comment” section of almost every editorial produced. Instead, “Mum’s the word”.

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