Alec Baldwin: Spoiled brat

Alec Baldwin thrown off AA flight at LAX for ‘playing game’ on phone

Passenger Steve Weiss, who was sitting across the isle from Baldwin, described the scene.

“Apparently he said he was playing a game, but he was actually talking on the phone. She [the flight attendant] was very nice. The door was closed they just announced that they were pulling away from the gate. He got up threw his papers on the floor stormed into the bathroom slammed the door closed, beat on the wall and then came back.”

“He said ‘If you want to kick me off, kick me off.’ He was just crazy, he just flipped out, the guy has problems.”

Welcome to the real world Alec. You’re a spoiled brat, which looks like you will remain for the rest of your life. I know it’s hard to believe, but YOU ARE NOT THAT SPECIAL. I’d say “grow up and get over it” but I might as well talk to the wall.

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