IPCC taken out to the woodshed

James Delingpole takes note of the unusual relationship between the IPCC and Greenpeace and their latest climate change report.

I love this paragraph..

The Man Made Global Warming industry is a crock, a scam on an epic scale, fed by the world’s biggest outbreak of mass hysteria, stoked by politicians dying for an excuse to impose more tax and regulation on us while being seen to “care” about an issue of pressing urgency, fuelled by the shrill lies and tear-jerking propaganda of activists possessed of no understanding of the real world other than a chippy instinctive hatred of capitalism, given a veneer of scientific respectability by post-normal scientists who believe their job is to behave like politicians rather than dispassionate seekers-after-truth, cheered on by rent-seeking businesses, financed by the EU, the UN and the charitable foundations of the guilt-ridden rich, and promoted at every turn by schoolteachers, college lecturers, organic muesli packets, Walkers crisps, the BBC, CNBC, Al Gore, the Prince Of Wales, David Suzuki, the British Antarctic Survey, Barack Obama, David Cameron and Knut – the late, dyslexic-challenging, baby polar bear, formerly of Berlin Zoo.

Read the whole thing.

You see, the latest IPCC report on renewable energy powering the planet has a problem…

An official IPCC report bigging up renewable energy as the power source of the future turns out to have been lead-authored by an activist from Greenpeace and based not on solid science but a wish-fulfilment fantasy scenario devised by, you guessed it, Greenpeace.

And then the Daily Camera has Clay Evans telling us it’s all water under the bridge and you’d have to be a neanderthal to be a global warming denier.

Except that Will, the Freakonauts, Rush, Gray and all the other naysayers are, in all likelihood (what in life, after all, is 100 percent?) dangerously, selfishly wrong.

Oh and Clay sites the IPCC from a previous report and uses that once meaningful phrase, peer reviewed…

But unlike the naysayers, most of whom seem to shout their certainty, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change`s fourth report, issued in 2007, a massive examination of virtually all available peer-reviewed climate research, “was very honest in saying what uncertainties there were going into the future,” Trenberth says.

And what did that report say that some 43 percent of Americans find so hard to believe?

LOL! The IPCC needs to reclaim it’s credibility. I figure that will take about 10 years and by then it will be obvious to everyone that isn’t a life members of the Church of Global Warming like Clay is, that the first quotation in this post is true.

h/t to Instapundit, The Conservatory and American Digest.

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