Obama and the border

Governor Jan Brewer skewers Obama. He deserves it and more.

“I think he should get back to business being the president of the United States,” Brewer told Fox News on Saturday.

“I don’t think his comic attitude and laughing at a serious issue is being very well received, certainly not here in Arizona, I would imagine not across America,” she said. “This is a serious situation. And for him to go to a pep rally and make light of the situation is unbelievable.”

Is 44% a passing grade in school? It isn’t a passing grade in securing the border either.

And imagine this, some people don’t find President Obama’s tone deafness and attempted humor regarding border security a laughing matter. They’re people who should know.

The residents of the Chiricahua-Peloncillo drug and human smuggling corridor that runs from the Mexican border north through eastern Arizona and western New Mexico are circulating a petition to send to the White House in response to President Obama’s recent immigration speech.

“It is with great wonderment and sadness that we listened to your May 10 speech on immigration issues. All of the joking about moats and alligators cut residents of Portal, AZ, to the core as we sheltered with friends or at a Red Cross evacuation site, to survive a terrible fire that still threatens our lives and property, as well as our ecotourism-based economy,” the letter reads.

On Sunday, a massive fire broke out in Horseshoe Canyon, about 50 miles north of the Mexican border, which residents and law enforcement say they believe was started by criminal illegal aliens. Last year, a fire in the same location caused more than $10 million in damages.

Property rights, even that of the United States government, mean very little to this adminstration.

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