21.4% Increase in spending in two years

The Wall Street Journal opines on the recent increase in spending by Congress.

This paragraph is particularly interesting…

Once again domestic accounts far and away led the increases. Medicaid rose by 8.7%, and unemployment benefits by an astonishing 34.3%—to $160 billion. The costs of jobless insurance have tripled in two years. CBO adds that if you take out the savings for deposit insurance, funding for all “other activities” of government—education, transportation, foreign aid, housing, and so on—rose by 13% in 2010.

Daily Camera editorial columnist Clay Evans will no doubt be particularly proud of the 34.3% increase in unemployment benefits.

The opinion piece concludes…

The 21.4% federal spending increase in two years ought to put to rest any debate about the nature of America’s fiscal problem. The Pelosi Congress has used the recession as an excuse to send spending to record heights, and its economic policies have contributed to a lousy recovery. The solution is to stop the spending and change the policies. Polls open on November 2. (emphasis added – ed)

I can’t wait to vote.  Our mail in ballots haven’t shown up yet, but they will be returned before the Daily Camera can tell us how to vote on ALL the issues.

Imagine, all of this spending and no shovel ready projects!?

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