Who lied to Newt?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Dugan and many of the local Republican County Committeemen and rank and file were not happy with the tainted process by which the National Republican Congressional Committee forced the liberal Scozzafava upon this largely conservative district, as was first documented by The TCOT Report. Yesterday, the TCOT Report story on the tainted nomination process of Scozzafava was confirmed in its entirety in a blog post by Dan Riehl.

And not good news for Newt…

Conservatives around the country are baffled not only by Gingrich’s odd decision to support Scozzafava, the ACORN supported RINO in the NY 23 special election, they are also troubled by his strident repetition of the false assertion that Scozzafava was locally selected and is locally supported.

“Why did Gingrich endorse her?”, they wonder.

Perhaps more ominously for his rapidly fading hopes for a 2012 Presidential bid, conservatives are beginning to question his integrity. His constant repetition of the false “she’s locally selected” mantra seems as off message as Scozzafava’s numerous well documented campaign missteps.

Fulton County’s Dugan articulated this sentiment very clearly, when he said in an exclusive TCOT Report interview recently:

“Either Newt Gingrich is lying, or someone misled him.”

But how can “the smartest guy in the room”, with a reputation as a scholar and seeker of truth have been so easily misled about a set of facts that could be discerned with half an hour’s worth of phone calls?

(emphasis added -ed)
Newt, find that train and take a ride home, you’re on the wrong horse.

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