Vote “No” on Boulder County ballot issue 1A

This blog has been getting a lot of hits for this ballot issue and viewers have been getting a post from a previous election!

For those wanting to vote yes, here’s the Yes on 1A website.

From the website:

All revenue from the 1993 tax, from now until its expiration in 2019, will go to pay off the bonds that have been sold to finance current acquisitions and projects. Without additional revenue, very few additional open space purchases will be possible.

That’s fine by me. The power and beaurocracy that has risen out of the quest for open space needs to take a step back and be humbled a tad. Open space is not a religion.

A Yes vote on County Question 1A will extend the existing tax through the year 2034. This is not an additional tax. It is an extension of the existing tax.

This seems like a play on words. If we waited until the tax expired and renewed it one day later, it would be a new tax. Not calling it a new tax is nothing more than a political “sleight of hand”. Was this tax originally sold to the voters as a tax that would need to be renewed?

Simply put, the county needs to prioritize their land needs. Everyone else has to prioritize, especially these days, doesn’t seem like too much to ask from our local government does it?

Will this bill pass? I have no doubt that it will over time. That said, it would be nice if an open space tax could be defeated at least once! I’m sure supporters can paint a picture of Open Space Armegeddon if this bill isn’t passed this year. Don’t believe it.

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