Sliming Joe, say it ain’t so

In a post title appropriately, Sliming Joe, Betsy makes the point better than I that the media is attacking someone who simply asked Obama a “tough” question…

What the left doesn’t understand is that Joe’s personal background doesn’t matter at all. What matters is Obama’s answer. And when asked about how Obama’s tax plan would affect a small businessman earning over $250,000, Obama said that it was time to “spread the wealth around.” And it turns out, as James Pethokoukis points out, that overwhelmingly most Americans aren’t in favor of redistributionist tax policies. But Obama revealed that his instincts are, as he told Charlie Gibson in the Democratic debate, to tax wealth as a matter of “fairness.”

(bold is my responsibility)

She also quotes Ed Morrisey on what we’ve learned (actually already knew) from the hysterical media reaction to Joe’s question

1. Thou shalt not offend The One by asking him a question. Of any kind.

2. Anyone who questions The One will have to undergo a public pillorying of a kind unseen since the Red Scare, or perhaps the Inquisition.

3. The Tanning-Bed Media will happily participate in any inquisition, as long as it keeps them from investigating irrelevant issues like Obama’s ties to the Chicago Machine, William Ayers, ACORN, or his record on protecting infanticide.

Read Betsy’s complete post, there’s much more then I’ve covered here. Check out Ed’s post as well.

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