Monthly Archives: October 2008

Randy Weinard takes on Judge Klein

Longmont citizen Randy Weinard took out an “illegal” ad in the Daily Camera against the re-election of Judge Klein. Apparently he unknowingly broke a few campaign finance laws to do it, which is unfortunate, but it doesn’t take anything away … Continue reading

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Colorado gas prices: 2 year chart

From Looks like gas prices are at about a 1 year low and probably headed lower, at least for awhile. Use the above link to create charts for whatever state you want.

Posted in energy, the weekend | Leave a comment

The Messiah

I grabbed this from the Daily Camera comments section, but the commentor states it’s from the Washington Post. I’m too lazy to check it this morning, but the “shoe fits” so to speak… “Mr. Obama’s temperament is unlike anything we’ve … Continue reading

Posted in Obama, politics | Leave a comment

Buy the Presidency

Or at least the appearance thereof. Funny how the Dem’s are all quiet about money corrupting politics and campaign finance reform since “there guy” is ahead in the polls. The local liberal paper, that would be the Boulder Daily Camera … Continue reading

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MSM this IS your job

MSM and Daily Camera, since you have a hard time understanding your job, this column below from Orson Scott Card should help you remember, that is assuming you ever knew it in the first place. From Orson Scott Card vis … Continue reading

Posted in ethics, msm | Leave a comment

Young voters wake up…

Robert Samuelson via Betsy on young voters being taken advantage of by the older voters. You’re being played for chumps. Barack Obama and John McCain want your votes, but they’re ignoring your interests. You face a heavily mortgaged future. You’ll … Continue reading

Posted in finance, social security | Leave a comment

Spoiled brats at school

Rachel Lucas on the just out of high school students who can’t adjust to the reality of college. “I don’t understand it! I studied for four hours!!!! God, what does it take to get a passing grade?” Oh, honey. You … Continue reading

Posted in Education, the weekend | Leave a comment

“For the first time in my life, I’m glad I’m not rich”

So says Rachel Lucas. It seems to be related to Barney Frank being the chair of the Financial Services committee.

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Boulder County Commissioners

Daily Camera, I’m voting tomorrow, please tell me how to vote for Boulder County Commissioner!

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Judge James (“Jamie”) Klein

After sitting in the Daily Camera’s letter to the editor blog collecting dust for 13 days, the editors finally published James Liebermans letter in support of Honorable Judge James (Jamie)Klein. Apparently they were waiting for a letter taking the other … Continue reading

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They’re telling us what they plan

Betsy on the Democrats plan to tax the rich, redistribute wealth and spend.

Posted in Obamanomics, politics | Leave a comment

Vet the journalists

Thats what Rachel Lucas and the Ace of Spades suggest. It really doesn’t sound like a bad idea, afterall, Joe the Plumber simply asked a relevant question. What’s wrong with that, and what part of his background would make the … Continue reading

Posted in ethics, Joe the plumber, msm | Leave a comment

Daily Camera: Obama for President

What a surprise. (

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, Obama, politics | Leave a comment


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Are you a Joe?

Thanks Iowahawk. Politicians — Sarah Palin, Bill Clinton, et al. — obviously have to put up with some rude, nasty shit, but it’s right there in the jobs description. Joe the Plumber is different. He was a guy tossing a … Continue reading

Posted in Joe the plumber, msm | Leave a comment

NY Times and General Motors

What do they have in common? How about a horrible looking stock chart over the last 4 years. Admittedly, GM has done much worse the last few months but before that that GM’s stock was outperforming the Gray Lady’s stock. … Continue reading

Posted in finance, msm | Leave a comment

MSM: Stop being a lapdog

Jennifer Rubin unloads on the MSM. Her commentary is so potent it’s hard to copy highlights so go read it…. NOW. Here’s her conclusion… No one is suggesting these should be the only topics explored by the media, but the … Continue reading

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, msm | Leave a comment

MSM do your job

Hmmm, let’s dig into Joe the Plumbers potential tax issues, but does the MSM have time to look into the “messiah’s” tax returns and his potential ethics violations? Banish the thought. More here at the source, The Volokh Conspiracy. I … Continue reading

Posted in ethics, Joe the plumber, msm, Obama | Leave a comment

Joe the plumber paraphernalia

You can purchase your Joe the plumber paraphernalia here.

Posted in Joe the plumber, the weekend | Leave a comment

Sliming Joe, say it ain’t so

In a post title appropriately, Sliming Joe, Betsy makes the point better than I that the media is attacking someone who simply asked Obama a “tough” question… What the left doesn’t understand is that Joe’s personal background doesn’t matter at … Continue reading

Posted in Joe the plumber, msm, Obamanomics | Leave a comment