Boulder County Ballot Issue 1A

Here is an explanation of the Boulder County website of the benefits of ballot issue 1A

1A asks voters to allow Boulder County to issue bonds for the purpose of providing financing options for renewable energy and energy efficiency improvements via a “Clean Energy Options Local Improvement District.” This local improvement district would provide a voluntary mechanism for property owners – both residential and commercial – to obtain financing for renewable energy improvements, such as installing a solar power system, or retrofitting a home to increase energy efficiency.

The issue does not ask for an increase in taxes. All property owners that participate in the financing provided through the Clean Energy Options LID will be responsible for repaying their own individual debts through a special assessment on their properties.

The issue would allow Boulder County to issue up to a maximum of $40 million in special assessment bonds.

(There is additiona information if you follow the link).

In a letter to the editor in the Boulder Daily Camera, one Conor Merrigan tells us how important he believes this ballot issue is:

Ballot Issue 1A is one of the single most important issues to be voted on in recent memory. Important for energy, important for economic relief, important for the environment, important for short-timers, this one aims to please.

Whew, at least it’s only “one of” the single most important issue to be voted on in recent memory instead of actually “the” single most important issue. It would be nice to know what the other “most important issues” are in Conor’s mind. Frankly this sounds like an extravagance that the County shouldn’t get involved in.

Of course the concept behind the ballot is, in Conor’s words…

The concept is simplistic and brilliant; the County will leverage their municipal borrowing power to initiate low-interest loans attached to property tax for efficiency improvements that should save the occupants more on their utility bills than they will pay in loan premiums, with a price that will just keep looking better as the years go on.

In today’s “new world” the idea of the County “leveraging their municipal borrowing power” doesn’t necessarily sound like such a great idea for the County’s credit rating, which needs to be protected. Furthermore, how will a potential buyer view the additional property tax when he compares it with other properties?

I have to come back to the idea that this is “one of the single most important issues to be voted on in recent memory”. I’m sorry Conor, it simply isn’t. No way.

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1 Response to Boulder County Ballot Issue 1A

  1. Ben Barker says:

    “…how will a potential buyer view the additional property tax when he compares it with other properties?”

    I think they’ll view it pretty well. Assuming they won’t be paying energy bills, they’ll have the extra cash. They’ll probably be trying to pay it off early with all they’re saving. Furthermore, it’s an investment that keeps on saving you money when you’ve payed it off. Especially good for businesses ya?

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