Take it like a Man

Dr. Helen writes about discrimination against men in the workplace.

I saw it happen at an engineering company I worked for where the “inexperienced/idiotic” but probably par for the course HR lady said somewhat gleefully, something to the effect: “He doesn’t stand a chance being a white, middle aged man”.

I particularly like this excerpt…

The “take it like a man” line is said to psychologically weaken you and shut you up so don’t listen — it is a manipulative tactic meant to silence you. Remember that one definition of bravery is “the quality of mind enabling one to face danger or hardship resolutely.” If you stand up to these workplace bullies — and that’s what they are — in a constructive way, then you will know deep inside that you really are a brave person who has inner strength, despite what your co-workers say.

Hat-tip, appropriately enough to Instapundit.

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