Don Young being challenged in Alaska

Mr. Bridge to nowhere, Don Young is being challenged by Alaska Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell in the August primary. Mr. Parnell just received the endorsement of the Club for Growth Political Action Committee as explained by them in this WSJ opinion column.

You should read the column, but the concluding paragraphs sums it up nicely…

The Alaska primary represents a crossroads for Republicans. Will party leaders line up behind Mr. Young, even as the Justice Department is looking into his earmarks? Or will they tell him they cannot support a member who has flagrantly disrespected taxpayers and abandoned Republican principles?

If Republicans want to start winning again they need to return to the principles of fiscal responsibility and limited government that won them control of Congress in 1994. This is no easy task. But the GOP can start by showing Mr. Young the door.

Unfortunately, my level of confidence that the Republicans can start acting like grown-ups on the earmark issue is pretty damn low.

As Instapundit says

Earmarks aren’t just about waste, they’re about corruption.

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