And that’s being nice –When It Comes to Pot, Pain, and Cancer, Jeff Sessions Is An Idiot –

Our top federal law enforcement officer has no idea what real pain is really like—or what doctors do to manage it.

Taking sessions to task…

Watch Sessions tell the story here. It is itself quite painful. It’s like your crazy great uncle’s circa-1950s-liquor-fueled rants you are subjected to once every year at Thanksgiving dinner. The difference is that your crazy great uncle is kind of endearing when he’s drunk, and his opinions are harmless. This crazy uncle is the Attorney General of the United States, and he has all the power to act on his feelings, and he clearly intends to do so.

“The plain fact, I believe, and I am operating on the assumption that this country prescribes too many opioids,” Sessions told a gathering in Tampa a few weeks ago. “I mean, people need to take some, uh, aspirin sometimes, and tough it out a little.”

“Believe.” “Assumption.” “Too many.” Forget the fact he doesn’t have the slightest notion of the difference between acute pain, like when a surgical scalpel cuts into your flesh, and chronic pain, that can last indefinitely. And I wonder what exactly “Dr.” Sessions means by too many? Which patients, with what conditions, under what circumstances will be determined by the federal government to be deserving of pain relief? And who, exactly, is just going to have to “tough it out a little bit?”

The Attorney General probably doesn’t have any specific patient in mind. He doesn’t exactly appear to be focused on individual patients. He just wants to make sure that fewer patients are prescribed opioids to manage their pain—and he is weaponizing the federal government in order to accomplish this goal.

Is Sessions putting doctors in a corner?

Sessions is forcing doctors to make an ugly choice: Either do best by their patients and adhere to their Hippocratic Oath—or suffer the bureaucratic harassment from the powerful Drug Enforcement Agency, and risk the loss of their license to practice medicine. If incentives matter, and they do, expect doctors to start making bad choices for their patients.

I have clients on opioids they need for pain management and they are scared. Specifically they are scared they won’t be prescribed enough medication to control their pain. That’s happened to one client of mine, who was able to change doctors and now has her pain under control. That said, what this creates is patients in severe pain, doctor shopping, not to get high, but to control their pain.

The author gives a nod to the opioid addiction crisis and speaks of how cannabis plays into the equation, yet Jeff Sessions shows up again…

Of course opioid addicition is a real problem, and opioid abuse is indeed dangerous. I have friends who have told their stories about managing pain, and addiction. They all sought other forms of treatment, settling on medical cannabis as a safer, more effective treatment for debilitating pain, and other chronic conditions.

I can recount countless stories of patients using cannabis to get off of opioids. But here comes the idiocy again. Jeff Sessions has said that “good people don’t smoke marijuana,” and that he believes that cannabis is the gateway drug that leads to opioid abuse. “We think a lot of this is starting with marijuana,” he says at that same piece of performance art in Tampa. The research, of course, says the opposite.

So Jeff Sessions yet again proves is an idiot, in fact that he’s a stoopid idiot. One gets the feeling he has watched and believed Reefer Madness.

The conclusion…

When I sat down to write this piece, I debated using the word idiot. It’s intemperate, you might say. So I Googled it. “Idiot: A stupid person. Synonyms: fool, jackass, knucklehead, numbskull, nitwit, asshat.” It might as well have just said “Jeff Sessions.”

Yes, Sessions qualifies.

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